I think there is a high correlation between antisemitism in American and the increasingly Muslim influx into the country which promotes hate against the Jews and all other Infidels via Islamic Jihad.
Hey, it worked in Sweden, where something like 90%+ of the Jews who had originally populated Sweden after WWII and built Synagogues, left them and moved to Israel over the past 10-20 years due to the huge influx of Muslim immigrants into the country. I'm betting the Jews took their wealth with them? How's Sweden's open-doors immigration policy working out for them again? Hmmmmmm? Now, we are looking at the same wave and MORE coming from not just overseas, but south of the border as well.
KKK, Aryian Brotherhood, etc are NOTHING compared to MS-13 and related gang-banger THUGS in this country now.
And the media wonders why people are fed up with this shit and support Trump, erecting a wall, tighter immigration control (AKA, not just letting anyone in here to live off the free handouts while are Veterans are treated like crap!) etc. SMH.