Love is like God.

by The Rebel 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist. We could therefore say that a persons feelings on God and Love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain. However what I find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.

    The Rebel.

  • iconoclastic

    Dear rebel,

    When my daughter (9-year old) came from the catechism class last Sunday, I asked her: why do you say God exist? This was her reply:

    “You see those cucumbers? Well, one tiny seed becomes a cucumber, and another tiny seed grows into a tomato, and another becomes a banana. Someone is making that happen. Someone is making the difference. That someone must be God.“

    Without using those words, she was talking about the DNA of a seed ­ key to the universe in a speck of an object. What she was saying was that God's intelligence and power are encompassed in a single seed, a specially marked, carefully programmed unit, all the more remarkable because of its infinitesimal size.

    Seeds are the transcendent stuff of life; our lives come from seeds. Seeds are what enabled life to be maintained from primitive times unto today: every human being ever born came from a seed; so too, all animal and plant life that sustained us as food, all that humans wore on their backs before synthetics, all aspects of shelter, all original tools of culture such as writing, music and art ­ indeed everything that we depended on to continue the generations.

    Given the importance of seed, it is not unfair to say that in our everyday lives we tend to take for granted their power and importance. We discard seeds as garbage without a thought of the mysteries they hold; we pay more for watermelons and lemons engineered to be free of those “pesky“ things.

    When you hear a piece of music, one can take as a noise, and another can take it a beautiful piece of art. I see in the universe countless things as blessings from a loving Father rather than mere wonders of nature—especially fruit-bearing trees and flowering plants which are there for a reason.

    I remember in my childhood what my parish priest said. During church ceremony, there was power-failure during the church choir was singing during the Christmas night. In pitched dark, song continued. The one on the Harmonium played the song perfectly without seeing the key board. Priest said: You can’t see the harmonium player, but you can listen how nicely he plays. So is with God. You can’t see Him, but you can see His hands playing. Fine-tuning things for us. I think he had a point.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Thanks for the reply Iconoclassic.

    Your daughters reply to your question " Why do you say God exists?" Was a very wise answer from a 9 year old, and it does suggest that seeds are born with a purpose. But looking deeper, in to your question and deeper meaning requires deeper thinking, the seeds could still have come about by accident.

    so would you agree :-

    A) That if everything has deeper meaning, deeper meaning must also have deeper meaning too. Right?

    Or :-

    B) Would you say that deeper meaning has only what needs deeper meaning? If so then deeper meaning itself doesn't need it and my first question is wrong. Right?

    So my answer would be that the puzzle of deeper meaning will never be solved. Hence my O.P " Love is like God" neither can be proven, only to the believer can they exist.

    The Rebel.

  • _Morpheus
    Im not one to mock the innocence of a child but your analysis of her answer leaves much to be desired. Its the lack of understanding of a young one that leads them to surmise it's a magic sky daddy that makes some seeds cucumbers and some seeds grass. The real tragedy is you cite the actual answer (dna) bit still revert to the magical sky daddy anyway. She at least has an excuse.
  • OrphanCrow
    rebel: Love is like God" neither can be proven, only to the believer can they exist.

    That only holds true if you define "love" as an emotion (noun) rather than an action.

    Love can be proven by its actions. If love is a verb, and not a noun, it is easily provable.

    Love as an emotion is self-centered. Love as an action is other-centered. Love is acted out in the here and now, by visible human beings.


  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Interesting observation Morpheus.

    I would also like to answer " iconoclasic's" point about the beautiful Harmonica played at the church. Listening to the great rock bands, I noted Irom Maiden have used " God" 3 times in all their songs, but you rarely find a Lynyrd Skynyrd song with out God in the lyrics.

    Why is this?

    Its the target audience, Southern Rock is aimed at the South, and southern folks like songs with God in them. iron Maiden is targeting a different audience.

    What has this got to do with my O.P Love is like God?

    Only that music is a very emotional exsperience such is love and such is God and each produces chemical reactions on the brain.

    The Rebel.

  • 2+2=5

    Silly me, I thought that love feeling was a result of neurons in the brain releasing dopamine and other chemicals.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    OrphanGrow thank you for your reasoning. To clarify I am at the end of my time on this board. From what I have learnt about the G.B i have decided to disfellowship myself.

    This O.P is now to clarify my thinking on the many threads I have read from athiests and believers. My question therefore is:-

    Is there any scientific evidence that love or God exist?

    If not then I will leave having concluded love and God can only be proven to the believer they exist. And that is not to say they don't exist, it's just then personal choice either way.

    The Rebel.

  • _Morpheus

    "Only that music is a very emotional exsperience such is love and such is God and each produces chemical reactions on the brain."

    interesting observation given that music can move people to do irrational things..... Its almost as if belief in god is...well....irational and based on emotion, not reason....hmmmmm

  • 2+2=5
    Music + Love = God exists.

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