I gotta ask,... Is the org gonna fade from itself and just take what money that is left and run?
by gda 18 Replies latest jw friends
They are nothing without their power over people's lives. I don't think money was ever the main motive, it's about power and prestige. They are not going anywhere, I think they would rather be demi-gods in the small pond of JW Dom than wealthy nobodies. -
cha ching
Haha, OntheWayOut! Love it! -
I have wondered if they are systematically amputating all the money draining extremities such as the branches, volunteers that recieve an allowance, superfluous KHs, printed material, and anything and everything except for The Warwick compound and the Website.
Then when they have divested themselves of all that bulk they then focus their attentions on attracting the rich and powerful and becoming a small group dedicated to the elite. A niche religion.
I'm torn between thinking that they'll stage a "rapture" and bugger off to their accounts in the Caymans, or digging in at Warwick 'til the bitter end. -
I doubt they would have the honesty to ever stand up and say "we were wrong" (which one smaller religion did, can't remember the name).
All those adherents and loyal followers would be an attractive prize for someone after power and a following. There would inevitably be breakaway religions formed just as they were formed many years ago.
They would see themselves as the loyal true believers and fight over the WTS assets.
The lawyers will inherit their earth.
label licker
Makes me wonder why all the lay-offs of volunteers and putting a stop on future building. They have to look to the Royal Commission as though they have no money in order for them not to have to pool their money in with the other organisations that have a paedophile problem.
Isn't the money that goes into a pot with other organizations for pay outs to victims of paedophiles? It's like dead beat dads who work under the table in order not to pay child support. This will be the era of dead beat organisations who refuse to pay money out to victims of paedophilia. I wonder how the Royal Commission will keep an eye on these swines and their hidden off shore money.
@ Simon...
Herb Armstrong's "Worldwide Church of God", I think... the Plain Truth guys...
You be surprised how many JWS stick with the Org. for social and business reasons apart from the core religious beliefs. What I'm saying there are other indirect supportive reasons why the JWS will strive to keep the organization together.