See I wasn't forgot or overlooked, even after all this time, and I'd be delighted to attend, I'm not active as a JW as I've stated before, and I can appreciate that most here wouldn't be seen within 500 yards of a KH on the 16th April, and you know what thats fine, there's alot to be said for following your consciense. But what really gets my gall is how some can post a question to the forum (via a sickly letter to Randall Waters) about whether they should "picket" the memorial this year, or turn up and "munch the crakers and wine- like the honey munster" (a tired one by now) etc etc, I mean for goodness sake, get a life, what is it that bothers you so much? Is it that near on 16 million people will be attending that sticks in your throats, or that people may just want to go of their own accord. I mean its always pointed out to me here that you have no qualms about JWs in particular, only the WBTS. So why you wanna go harrasing Witnesses on this particular night? It's demeaning. If you've moved on as you say, then prove it. Take any line of this post and discredit it, but do think on.
I got my Memorial invite...!
by ScoobySnax 10 Replies latest jw friends
Most people here won't go to the memorial, and quite a few will go. Each person has a conscience and does whatever he/she feels like doing. Some are fading away slowly and find it important to go to the memorial.
whether they should "picket" the memorial this year, or turn up and "munch the crakers and wine- like the honey munster"
I agree with you on this.
Thanks JH. Of course many are coming in as well, and find it important to attend the memorial. We both agree though that each has a consciense that they need to follow, this is is a good thing. And you know, I sort of gathered that most here wouldn't be attending! ...what on earth made me guess that?
ScoobySnax, the people who have said that are venting..Don`t lump us all together like a good little WBTS troll..When was the last time you heard of memorial being picketed,or people sitting in the Kingdom Hall munching crackers and socking back the wine.I never have..You discredit yourself with this looney thread...OUTLAW
There has been picketing at the memorial in my locality for a few years.
Everybody has the right to voice their opinion and it comes down to why they are picketing. It is evidnet that many on here feel they have been emotionally and spiritualy let down by the wtbs and many are hurting, so i feel that there is nothing wrong with picketing for those reasons and having the chance to stand up and help release those feelings.
On the other hand there are those that will picket for the sake of it, to prove the wtbs wrong and expose the wtbs and seek to cause disruption. The whole point of picketing is to get your point accross and by picketing in this manner you are acheiving nothing, the jws will see this as persecution and further evidence that they have the truth.
OUTLAW. When was the last time I heard as a "Good Little WBTS Troll?" erm, well just about here actually. You should have a look back at your own posts, I often do. and to correct you, I don't lump you in with the majority here, I see you as one of the exceptions I talk about. (re-read the original post) OR WOULD YOU LIKE THAT IN CAPITALS.....LOL
Double Edge
I've never been a dub. please enlighten me... does a person need to be 'invited' to attend the memorial? In Christian Churches, it's ok to attend any Easter Service..
DoubleEdge, ....of course no-ne has to be specifcally invited to attend the memorial or any other meeting, looking more closely after your 1000 plus posts here, and after reading some of your posts, I'm suprised you are still confused on this issue, ...of course if I can help you in any way......
Double Edge
after your 1000 plus posts here, and after reading some of your posts, I'm suprised you are still confused on this issue,
that's only because you are/been a JW, it's second nature to you. Sure, I know a lot more about JWs that when I first came here, but sometimes it seems that I have more questions in my mind now than when I first began. My post wasn't a criticism or meant to be anything other than a legitimate question. It seems that whenever the Memorial is discussed, people use the term "invited". I've been invited to attend Church services, but only in a general term. So I guess my question was does a formal invitiation go out, or is it a general "we hope to see you"?
D.E. I think its a bit of both actually, like I got the official invite to the memorial put through my door tucked inside the mags, but I bump into other JW friends in the supermarket who say the same as you said ..."the memorials on the 16th, would be great to see you .." etc, sorry if I misread what you was asking mate.