The political left, perfectly captured in one short video exchange

by Simon 51 Replies latest social current

  • LoveUniHateExams

    There are extremists on both sides, but the right are a very small and tiny fringe with little mainstream support whereas the nuttery on the left gets MASSIVE support and constant promotion by the main-stream media and represents a far bigger threat to society.

    They are not the same and it's disingenuous to suggest that one is just the flip side of the other.

    ^^^ this point is worth highlighting and repeating. ^^^

    It's a good point that's very well put.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    So unfair :( I guess that's why the White House, Congress, Senate, SCOTUS, More than 1/2 of the Governers, and most corporate CEO's are Democrats.

    Oh sorry no they are Right wing - decades of this liberal-left cultural Marxist crap seen in the OP vid is at least partially the reason why Trump got into power.

    Sadly Lefties, on average, probably lack the self-awareness and self-reflection needed to see that they overdo things from time to time.

    It's always somebody else's fault - Trump's, racists', sexists', Islamophobes', homophobes', yadda yadda yadda ...

  • Giordano

    Everything you said Truth B Known applies to the far right.

    Intellectual Dishonesty..... Trump wins that category all by himself and by association the far right who support and justify his lies.

    Trump has been caught to date in 3000 lies since becoming President.

    Compared to Obama's 18 lies over an 8 year period: 3000 to 18 yep Trump wins!

    • Hypocrisy? Trump wins the title!
    • the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform. That's Trump!
    • posturing? Trump again. Empty talk & insincerity Trump's the master of that. Deceit, dishonesty proven in hundreds of court case's.........pretense, duplicity........ why bother?
    • Self Loathing: Trump has only to look in the mirror.... However his Cabinet members, who were let go, even his wife....... loath him. Did I mention world leaders?
    • Envy..... he'll never rank up there with Obama so he attempts to destroy anything, even useful stuff that Obama promoted.
    • The best news is that Trump is destroying the far right. Those 'do nothings' during Obama's years are still doing nothing and they don't start doing that until noon each day.

  • Boredposter

    Political left, political right, two sides of the same coin just different shouting matches. They both suck.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    ^^^ but Trump! ^^^

    No need for self-reflection on the left's part because ... Trump! XD

    Here's a couple questions you left out:

    1. Who ordered more drone strikes as US president, George W. Bush or Barack Obama?

    2. Which US prez has started more wars, Trump or Holy Bollocks himself, Saint Obama?

    Take your time XD

  • Simon
    he'll never rank up there with Obama

    "up there" with Obama? What exactly did Obama accomplish? His legacy is in the toilet, it's all spin and always was. The only reason his corruption and failures don't get more attention is because the media conspiracy was part of the corruption. But tell me again about how Trump is supposedly the populist leader that controls everything ...

    If everything you claim about Trump being a nazi is true, then Obama left the country in the worst state in living memory and made racism significantly worse than it was before he took office (with the help of his media colleagues of course). "Mission accomplished".

  • freddo

    I thought she was a shrill and irritating young woman BUT forgetting who presented the view (her and the two chanting women) that hate speech can incite violence it is sadly true and Rubin DIDN'T answer that specific question.

    A line should be drawn between the two polarised views expressed. Does anyone here think that (as has happened in the UK) that gangs of (often) young disaffected non working young men in their late teens can stand outside the homes of and shout and laugh at disabled people or downs syndrome people without the government using its power to intervene?

    I think the problem also is in describing views as "left and right". Some of my views chime with the traditional right (no where near extreme), some with the traditional left (no where near the extreme) and most are probably in the middle.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I thought she was a shrill and irritating young woman BUT forgetting who presented the view (her and the two chanting women) that hate speech can incite violence it is sadly true and Rubin DIDN'T answer that specific question - agreed, Rubin should have answered this question more clearly.

    Yes, hate speech can incite violence.

    But how far should a society go in labelling speech as hate speech and then banning it?

    If, say, the US banned outright the use of the word n****r, do you think this would decrease or stop white racist attacks on black people?

    I think the problem also is in describing views as "left and right". Some of my views chime with the traditional right (no where near extreme), some with the traditional left (no where near the extreme) and most are probably in the middle - me too. But left and right exist on the political spectrum.

    We must acknowledge this fact.

    If we don't, we may have our heads up our arses.

  • Simon

    Hate speech that calls for violence can incite violence, the irony is that we see this mostly coming from groups embraced by the left - 'death to Jews' is preached openly by many Muslims but seems to be perfectly acceptable to the left and Obama's association with such people was covered up by the media (so they know it's wrong and unacceptable).

    Does anyone here think that (as has happened in the UK) that gangs of (often) young disaffected non working young men in their late teens can stand outside the homes of and shout and laugh at disabled people or downs syndrome people without the government using its power to intervene?

    This is clearly a public order offence and targeted harassment of individuals so the police could and damn well should intervene and no-one's free speech rights will have been violated if they do. But if someone was arrested for trying to argue that downs-syndrome in general should be screened for, aborted etc... then that would be a violation of free-speech - that is where the argument needs to be made by people with the opposing viewpoint.

    I think the problem also is in describing views as "left and right". Some of my views chime with the traditional right (no where near extreme), some with the traditional left (no where near the extreme) and most are probably in the middle.

    That is really the majority of people who are not near either extreme. Right now though, according to many, that makes you an extreme alt-right nazi because you are refusing to completely embrace the extremist of the left and their thinking on everything is completely black and white. This thinking and labeling of everyone who doesn't buy into the extremism of the left is what got Trump elected - if you start calling normal people "racist" (many of who voted for Obama) then you devalue the term and make it meaningless.

    Nowadays, according to the left, everyone (except them) is racist, sexist and homophobic - even the likes of Dave Rubin who's gay married. Don't want to date a man in a dress? OMG, you're transphobic!

    Of course when Trump won in no small part due to the behavior of the left, the left double-down on the labelling and call everyone misogynists. I think Clinton has since blamed everyone else and used every reason for her loss - apart from the obvious "I was crap".

  • ttdtt
    Oh sorry no they are Right wing - decades of this liberal-left cultural Marxist crap seen in the OP vid is at least partially the reason why Trump got into power.

    Decades of Lefties like GW Bush, HW Bush, Ronald the god Reagan.

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