I really never dated that much inside the orgainisation because of a lack of available brothers. The couple of times I did not great. I once asked a brother out and it was all over the congregation as to how inappropriate that was since it should be the man who does the asking. There seems to be a lot of desparate sisters out there. I always wanted to be in a relationship almost to the point of being obsessed with finding a brother, when I was in the truth, now that I am out, I am happy to be single and almost run from relationships. What are you stories?
What are your experiences of dating in the truth?
by goofy 25 Replies latest jw friends
my exeriences: JW girls generally felt Third Base was not unclean behavior.
I have heard from Brothers that sometimes the sisters can be so desperate they are actually easier to get to than outside ladies (not all of course)
Okay ladies - did you experience this? Young men who wanted to date, usually unless you were a "babe", you got the leftovers, the not-so-cute, as they say, still living at home with Mom at 30 and generally nice but not the greatest in the manners department. That was my experience. I dated a few guys, none of which I remember very well. I remember thinking "this is what I have wanted all my life?" - the guy who pay for dates using buy one get one free coupons and asking you to order water? How about, after the 3rd date, you kissed the guy on the cheek and he thought you were a loose sister? Ahh, those were the days. Makes me want to heave when I think about it...
Dating JW girls was an exercise in extremes.
On the one hand, there were those who acted like an archangel was sitting in the back seat taking notes and was going to report directly to Jehovah before she got from the car to the kitchen door. It was like dating someone who was terrified each and every second of the date, and God forbid that any accidental actual touching, no matter how accidental, should take place. FLINCH is too weak a word to describe it. I finally had to tell one girl, "listen, you can't get pregnant from osmosis, you know."
Then on the other hand was the other extreme. No sooner had I got them and myself in the car than the Roman hands and Russian fingers took over - and I mean hers. And that was before we got out of her driveway. And any sort of privacy was good enough for the games to begin. I have actually stopped and paid to get into a drive-in movie with my, um, member, out in some JW chick's hand. I've dated JW girls who, when I got them alone, had thought the date out in utter detail. Tear-away blouses, bras that unhook in front, crotchless panties, wrinkle-free clothing, and enough condoms for full marine brigade.
Ah, those were the days. I was wearing a younger man's clothing then, of course, but that's my experience. I never seemed to get a middle of the roader. Either she was a block of ice, or she was a pink, peeled, quivering, moist, raw, salted nerve waiting to be taken care of. Strange.
I seemed to always find the guy who would desperately want to do the deed but was to scared to make the first move. I was to shy myself. When I did start dating again in the world, my then boyfriend told me that when it came to the sexual aspects of the relationship that he felt he was back at "sweet 16" he felt it strange that a woman my age was so scared to just let loose a little. I think as women in the organization we are taught from birth to be closed off. I guess all new thoughts take time.
I remember...oh do I ever!
OK...I dated a few women - way back while I was in the False...er I mean 'Truth'.
Some were so theocratic, even while you dated/hung out with them, that they were perpetual bores.
Others, the opposite. A bit loose, so-to-speak, intriguing, but one would think they'd be committing fornication on the launch pad. Some of these sisters were on countdown mode, ready to blast off.
As for me, I knew that none of this was OK in my head...but you somehow think it's going to straighten you out, and Jehovah is going to help you along: yeah right!
Thank goodness for the 'Tool of the Devil'. Saved me from going stark raving mad.
I rarely found someone whom I was attracted to in the congregations. There were two, but they both ended up getting disfellowshipped for immorality with other sisters in the congregation. I feel bad for anyone who dated other witnesses! With the pressure of marriage always in mind! Oy vay! I am so glad to be freed from it!
Dating in the Truth
First they told me it was 1874
Then they told me it was 1914
Then they told me it was 1915
Then they told me it was 1925
Then they told me it was 1941
then they told me it was 1975
then they told me it was 1984
then they told me it was 1994
Then in 1995 they told me that the date was open-ended and could come at any time
I am still waiting for someone to pick me up for my date
dating? there was no dating . If it was not 'courtship' it was not. for me it was not.
I was a very pretty regular pioneer with a daddy who was not only an elder- he was one of the anointed. I did not have a chance. The JW boys were too afraid of him and me.
I got married 6 months after I left JWs when I was 34. And the year before I did not lack for...errr...male company. most of the men I dated were totally shocked that the JWs were so blind and stupid. My husband now, even tho he is younger than I am, claims that if I had knocked on his door- he would have been able to count his time with me as a return visit!