I exited due to injustices from elders committed towards myself and others in the organization and discovered there is no such thing as " holy spirit " appointing these men to their positions
Roll Call for the benefit of Newbies and Lurkers. In One Sentence tell why you left the Org.
by Wasanelder Once 81 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I hated the restrictions, the control and the hypocrisy.
I found that 1914 was utter bullcrap, and then the whole JW "theology" fell apart.
That was over ten years ago.
I wish I had actually listened to an XJW who was a workmate of mine who said about 25 years ago ; "It's all a load of bollocks isn't it ?".
In One Sentence tell us why you left the Org - I left because I was stuck in dead-end jobs, had no further education and realised it was all the Org's fault. -
Gilead exposed to me the flip-flopping hypocritical rot of their leadership
It's a stinking crock of shit from the top down!
I no longer believed.
The religion wanted me to ignore kindness, giving to charity, evolution and my own personal happiness.
Realising the org cared more about outward appearance than people, followed by discovering the hypocrisy and false teachings.
Planned my ‘fade’ after the 1995 Generation teaching, but was PIMO after receiving bad treatment because I was a single Working woman!