The End Is Near...

by freemindfade 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    Jesus said "No one knows the day or hour" so if Jesus exists in the spirit realm somewhere,

    what is he doing as he sees the WT in trouble?

    Image result for god laughing cartoon pics

  • Vidiot

    Desirous of Change - "...where there's smoke, there's fire."

    I gotta say, I'm smelling a lot more smoke now then when I first faded.

  • Vidiot

    Desirous of Change - "I wish a tornado a big fat class 5 would just blow the crap out Warwick..."

    Would you settle for slow contamination from the toxic waste buried underneath?

  • Fisherman
    WT changes does not have anything to do with GT, at least the Bible does not say so. But as I have posted previously in many of my posts that 100 years plus of invisible ruler-ship does not makes sense and nether does preaching to a generation of people that rejected the message who will nevertheless get resurrected anyway. I am sure JW realize this too and conclude that something must give within the next year or so because of the reasons I have stated and not because of any WT changes,
  • freemindfade
    is it the earthquakes? the wars? the pestilence? all the things that have been going on in recorded history???
  • RobertT18
    Nooo! I'm still too young!
  • LongHairGal


    A while back I ran into some dyed-in-the-wool born-in JWs who were complaining about all the recent changes in the religion. They sounded disgusted.

    As you said, I'm sorry for those who are still in. But, I'm glad I'm not there to hear the never-ending appeals for money. I predict this is going to get very bad when these bethelites and special pioneers are sent home!

    I expect the religion will survive. But, I'll be happy that now, with all the bad publicity, it will be exposed for the whole world to see! The phony white-washed facade will fall away!

  • vinman
    The end must be near for Watchtower. Realistically, will they suddenly get an ongoing flow of donations? Will they ever get enough money to complete these projects and call up more volunteers to Bethels? Will the lawsuits just vaporize and allow the Watchtower to regain its "clean standing"? Will the demand for Watchtowers increase so as to need more presses? After seeing these"layoffs" will parents encourage the children to make Bethel a career? Or what about circuit work? We all know the answers. From here on out, money will be the GB theme. I think many will get sick of it. Just how far can they cut back before they vanish? We know they would not do what they are doing because it is some "plan". That is not how you get more converts. That is not how you retain membership. The GB are afraid for themselves. They have nothing without the Watchtower. I mean nothing.
  • Fisherman

    40 years this year since 1975. Appears that Adam was 40+ when he married Eve. No sex on his wedding night?

    According to WT theology, these Bible prophecies are converging: Gentile Times, Daniel's time of the end, Jesus sign of his parousia, End of 6000 years of man's existence...

  • LevelThePlayingField
    I say bring down the house. Have a drink on me, all that. WT is has made its bed and now it's time to lay in it.

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