The thing is Steve, I was out with the dog and didn't really have the time or inclination to prepare anything! I'd just come home from work and was hungry, need i say more...?
I assumed nothing, but i do agree with your evaluation, she's not the brightest and I doubt her critical thinking skills even exist. Sadly there's too many such one's caught up in all of this.
I did not engage in the conversation with any particular goal in mind, as I simply wanted to confirm my view, that all JW's will resort to a similarly defensive attitude, which she did. I also did not want to go into too much detail of reasons for my fade. I made this very clear at the start of our conversation! It's been an easy ride for us so far and don't really want to change that just yet ;)
I did not want to change her mind, hell I couldn't care less if she saw TTATT. Most JW's likely will never see it IMHO. I'm too busy enjoying my life with my family!