Hi everyone,
With all this going on over in Iraq, and the Watchtower Society's fear of death tactics on the rank and file members, it reminds me of how much the Watchtower Publishing Corporation leadership is using the same fear tactics of death to all who are not subserviant and loyal to it's fear inspiring religious regime. While threatening the world with "mass distruction" by thier Watchtower false god, and twisting Christian doctrine to further their fear, and blame messages, and death to all others, they have the same perpetrating m.o. as Saddam, Bin Laden, and all other dictatorial figures. Though they don't actively kill, and threaten death, they passively "kill" and give death threats to those who are not part of thier regime. They do this with thier graphic literature. With burning buildings falling on young mothers holding their dead children, little girls laying dead holding thier dolls, next to thier dead puppy and broken bike, large fanged beasts and a lot of blood, it is sickening how they keep a grip on thier members, and "kill" those who want to leave by df'ing and "killing" in thier family and friends eyes. Last year a poster here posted the pictures of the Watchtower Publishing Corporation literature, and some of it I gave to the producer of Dateline. I was thinking that if more of the public knew the cruel negative side of this cult and viewed these pictures, they would be less inclined to speak to them in thier recruiting work. I hope more of these fear based pictures from Watchtower literature is made available through internet. I am posting the site where this information is for those newbies, and those who have been questioning WT doctrine.