Well done, Badboy!
I rushed out and bought the Independant. The ad is 2/3 of a broadsheet page. The website addy is: http://www.truebiblecode.com/
Here's an excerpt from that site, which summarises much of what is said in the huge ad:
For JWs and ex JWs:
The UN accepted the Watchtower as an associated NGO on January 28th 1992. This was the transgression that causes desolation to them of Daniel 8, it was the placing of the disgusting thing that causes desolation of Daniel 12, it was the disgusting thing that causes desolation standing in a holy place of Matthew 24 and of Mark 13. When you catch sight of it flee to the mountains!
The disgusting thing is the UN-Watchtower covenant (which was a standard NGO association agreement). What place does such a covenant have in God's Temple? Section [246] presents the evidence that this has occurred. To confirm it for yourself you can ring the UN information Centre in London, or the UN Department of Public Information in New York. You could also ring the Bethel in London or in Brooklyn and ask them to confirm it if you enjoy confrontations.
UN DPI Manhattan: 212 963 6842 [email protected]
UN Info Centre London: 0207 630 1981 [email protected]
JW Bethel Brooklyn: 718 560 5000
JW Bethel Mill Hill: 0208 906 2211
The Watchtower was disassociated by the UN on Tuesday October 9th 2001 at their request as a result of an expose in the UK Guardian Newspaper on Monday October 8th www.guardian.co.uk .
They therefore rode the beast in secret for 10 BLC years from 1992Nisan to 2002Nisan, these then are the 10 horns on the beast (in this symbolism).
7 I will tell you the secret of the woman and of the beast that is carrying her and that has the 7 heads and the 10 horns (Revelation 17:7).
Bible decoding is all about finding further symbolic meanings. For full details of the application of Revelation 17 to their activities see [159]. The Watchtower was disfellowshipped by Jesus, it fell as the true religion on 1994Tammuz30 - see [42]. So for 7 of these 10 years God was not it's head. Now by virtue of the agreement, the covenant between the Watchtower and the UN, that the Watchtower must advertise support and promote the UN and its charter. Of course it was set up to advertise support and promote not the UN but the Kingdom of God.
The UN is Satan's counterfeit of the Kingdom of God. Looks great but will not work.
Jehovah is a God of covenants, or keeping agreements. He is a God of integrity. Once he ceased being the head of the JWs, on 1994Tammuz30, the UN were their head in accordance with their NGO agreement.
So the UN was de facto the head of the Watchtower for the 7 BLC years from 1995Nisan to 2002Nisan. The writer does not imagine that the UN had very much power over the Watchtower in the 10 years of harlotry or exercised very much headship in the 7 years of headship but nonetheless the covenant was in place.
This is not a trivial matter. It is actually a judgement on the Watchtower, who showed that they view as nothing the first commandment which is to have no other God's before Jehovah's face.
It is not hard to see that the agreement was the transgression that causes desolation and that it resulted in the disgusting thing (this covenant) standing in the holy place. But to prove categorically that this agreement was the transgression that causes desolation please see [157].
There you will see that the UN accepted the Watchtower as an NGO 4600 solar days before the constant feature ends. The constant feature being the deaths of the anointed remnant, the new covenant saints, who die a sacrificial death as did Jesus, because they are baptised into his death:
3 Do you not know that all of us who were baptised into Christ Jesus were baptised into his death (Romans 6:3)?
Time of the end begins, date of the end known 1290 BLC days before 2008Nisan14 Watchtower commits idolatry with United Nations Last NC saint dies, Constant Feature ends
Transgression causing desolation to FDS3 Holy place brought into right condition, all left earth
January 28th 1992 September 1st 2004 (2004Elul14)
4600 Solar Days
We know from Daniel 12 - see [153] that the constant feature ends 1290 BLC days before Armageddon, i.e on 2004Elul 14:
And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed, and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation,
[until the finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to
.....it continues on.