That's pretty much what ancient, primitive humans gathered when they saw the sunset, the wind, the rain, human fertility. Earlier humans, in fact, ascribed a *variety* of gods for a lot of things; the notion of one single creator came fairly late in human history...
Soo...your observation is no different from that of very primitive man...
I guess I'd tend to show horrific pictures of humans cruelly killed by virture of the race, religion, or nationality (in this century mind you), starving children in hopelessly unsanitary conditions, millions of babies orphaned by AIDS....would an almighty creator who was capable of all things let THIS occur and continue?
You can look at it both ways. Nature, science, and society in general can be both beautiful and horribly cruel. You cannot credit a benevolent intelligent creator for his/her incredible creations while at the same time overlooking the horror, tragedies and woeful shortcomings of the human experience.
Are you prepared to do both??