Vicki Boer v. Watchtower Child abuse Civil Trial - No News Yet but Update

by hawkaw 39 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • expatbrit

    Thanks for the info. caw (lol...good one Happy Man).

    I was wondering, do you have anything substantive on the local congregation's attitude to the Vicki Boer trial?


  • xjw_b12

    Hawk. thanks for the update. been wondering what was taking so long, and why we haven't heard from you for a while.

    The Shelburne congregation has been continually praying deeply for Vicki to lose her case.

    What a bunch of pond scum. WHY do they need to pray ? Are they not confident god will give them victory. What a bunch of misquided twits.......waste of skin, all of them.

  • neverthere

    I for one am not surprised that the congregation is praying for her to lose. The comment that they are pond scum is bringing them up a level though, (poor pond scum, to be associated with them).

    I for one will find a way to be at the court if you need me there Vicki, and I hope you know that I support you 100000000000000000%.

    I for one am praying for Vicki to win, lighting candles etc. I will be there for you!


  • SwordOfJah

    Interesting legal battle up there in Canada. A neutral point of view from this judge should be very revealing once the decision is known.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I'm not praying for Vicki, because I don't believe a sock-puppet has any influence in the real world in which we live.

    My confidence is in the Mind Of Man - that an educated and compassionate Judge, well-schooled in the principles of Law, will make a just decision.

    I guess we'll see...

  • oldcrowwoman

    Thank you Hawkaw for the info and the update. I am appalled with the cong. lack of insight and support dealing with these allegations of abuse.

    I was in horror Vicki having to give her father a hug. Makes my skin crawl. Feels like abuse all over again. I can't imagine what she went through!!!!!!

    I will definitely send a letter to that congregation.

    I am sorry I am not in a place to be there for the final. But you can tell her I would be proud to stand with her. I am proud of her. I would like to meet her. I will difinitely be there in spirit.


  • Eric

    Thanks Hawkaw. And thanks somebody. I will compose a well considered letter.

    I was only just able to scrape together time off to be there for one day of Vicki's court case last September, and I was pleased to be able to do at least that.

    The month of May is difficult, but I will make every effort to be there.

    Keep this board appraised Hawkaw, and thanks for your many efforts.

    Vicki, you are not alone.


  • Farkel

    I'm sure Watchtower's "Jehovah" will answer their prayer to protect a rapist and punish the female who was raped.

    After all, he IS that kind of God, and they deserve Him.

    This is all Bible-Based(tm). Check "Lot" for a good example of what I'm talking about. Hebrews 11 says he was the good guy. His daughters who were raped by him aren't mentioned, though.

    Imagine that.

    Let's just hope that better heads prevail than "WatchtowerGod(tm)."


  • needs_lots

    Hey Hawk,

    Thanks for the post. Hi Eric! and all those that supported me during the trial. The Judge said she will be giving her decision by means of letter, so we will not be meeting at the courtroom to hear her decision. She has until May 31, so it could be any day. Every time the phone rings, I think it could be my lawyer with the judges decision. In some ways I wish it was in court so that I could have some support. My husband is in the military, and will most likely be away when the decision comes down. Iam scared. We have so much on the line. It really makes me sad when I hear what they are saying at the meetings. THese are people that I grew up with. Its just so hard to believe that they could feel so much anger at me for exsposing a "real horror", as they word it. They say its about the money. My husband makes good money, so why would I give all that up to fight this battle if it wasn't the truth. They have unlimited funds, and the elders will not have to pay out of their pocket, as I have had to do. Well............keep up the great support you give to everyone on this website. We all need to be a family. Some of us have nothing else. Thanks........vic

  • ashitaka
    The Shelburne congregation has been continually praying deeply for Vicki to lose her case. They have been calling her a number of names, such as but not limited to, apostate, and believes she is a very evil person. The congregation has been told over and over again that the Watchtower will take this case all the way to the Supreme court. This has been confirmed by people within the congregation to Vicki and me.

    Lovely. I hope they all f***ing choke, those worthless bastards.


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