very loving

by avengers 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • avengers

    Robert PevyDisfellowshipping—Practicing a Bible Standard
    Disfellowshipping is a procedure which is laid down in the Bible . . . A young girl who was disfellowshipped and later reinstated said: "I am happy that Jehovah loves his people enough to see that his organization is kept clean. What may seem harsh to outsiders is both necessary and really a loving thing to do. I am grateful that our heavenly Father is a loving and forgiving God."

    Let me see??????? Elders whom are pedophiles, association with the scarlet colored (UN) wild beast, shareholders in questionable stocks and bonds, shunning those who do not agree, blood tranfusion deaths, family-wreckers, etc. Anyone wish to add?

    Very loving and very clean.


    Avengers: I just lost my mouth full of water - that rifle going back and forth, nearly killed me (er..not literally, but you know what I mean).

    The young woman disfellowshipped then reinstated: sounds like she is chanting the policy verbatim.

    That's LOVE huh?

    Keep me t'hell away from it.

  • Gopher

    "Disfellowshipping is a procedure that is laid down in the Bible."

    This procedure ought to be LAID DOWN, and PUT TO REST forever.

    Where in the Bible does it show that three men take an alleged wrongdoer into a room and try to judge whether this person is worthy of fellowship? Where? Where in the Bible does it say that the elders can dictate to the congregation who not to associate with? Doesn't the Bible talk about being able to have one's conscience trained through use? Shouldn't the decision of who to associate with (or not) be left up to the individual members of the congregation? It was in the first century, and the first century is the model that the JW's claim to "follow".

    Disfellowshipping as practiced by JW's is an organization-induced method of control. They want to control who talks to whom. That way they can dominate what information reaches its members.

    What's love got to do with it? Nothing. My parents shun me, and yet they claim to love me? C'mon.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ..."A young girl who was disfellowshipped and later reinstated said: "I am happy that Jehovah loves his people enough to see that his organization is kept clean.... I am grateful that our heavenly Father is a loving and forgiving God."..

    Well, I mean, it was said by a young person who was DF and when she experienced the horrible reality of the wicked world outside the protective wingspan of the mother org, saw the good , sound and compassionate reasons for her being DF, So Andy, what she says must be true.

  • czarofmischief

    I found disfellowshipping to be a very loving act - it set me free from their inane chatter!


  • berylblue

    The problem with comments such as the ones in the original post is that for every one person who says something like that, there are many, many more who have said something exactly opposite.

    The WTS is no different from many other organizations in that it extropolates from letters, research, etc. what fits its own policies from only sources which seem to concur.

    An example: In an article on why women are not qualified to take the lead in matters (any matters, not just spiritual), the WTS quotes a woman who may be, quite possibly, the only female "expert" in the world who agrees with the patriarchal WTS bull, stating that women were designed to work under a platform of male authority and not qualified to lead. What always bothered me (besides the obvious, that it was just plain crap) was that the other "experts" were not, of course, quoted. This one woman's word was taken as gospel truth, because she agreed with the antiquated WTS views on women.

    No doubt the WTS gets hundreds of letters a year from persons hurt by their horrible DF policy. We will never, of course, read the contents of those letters.


  • ashitaka


    LOL-the rotating shotgun says it all, methinks....LOL


  • Maverick

    Hey! It might have been part of her plea-bargain. Many will say whatever they think will get them off the hook. Sucking up is not new or exclusive. She may have had her eye on some Elder's son and want to 'get in position' for the kill. I wonder what she really thinks of her DF treatment? With six million members I think you can get a few who like being humiliated and abused. "Hurt me, beat me, make me write bad checks!" (Rick Dees, LA dejay) Maverick

  • garybuss

    I am grateful for the shunning practice because it kept me from returning during a time of stress in my life.

    I am grateful for the shunning practice because without it I would have never met some of my best friends in the world.

    I am grateful for the shunning practice because it protected my non-Witness family from association and indoctrination by Witness recruiters.

    I am grateful for the shunning practice because it has actually made my healthy family closer.

    I am grateful for the shunning practice because it revealed the true nature of the Watch Tower Book Publishing Corporation to me.

    I am grateful for the shunning practice because it revealed the true nature of my Witness relatives.

    I am grateful for the shunning practice because I have more appreciation for my healthy friends and family.

    After the initial shock, I am now grateful for the shunning practice. It is a rite of passage for anyone really leaving the work of unpaid book sales for the Watch Tower Book Publishing Corporation.

    The Way I See it

  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon

    AMEN, Garybuss!!!


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