I attracted to the bossy ego maniacs. I know this is horrible. If a guy treats me nice I just don't have sexual feelings for him. I am working on this mentally though because I know it is stupid on my part. I am always most comfortable with a man who takes care of me so to speak and takes the lead. But most of these men aren't great catches because when it comes down to it they don't respect women. I think this mentallity comes from my raising as a JW. Always looking up to the men, the Elders to take care of problems and our family has some males with very strong JW male mentality which I grew up with. It is sad that I cannot respect a nice flexilbe mentality in a man, somehow it seems weak to me but I know it is actually the strong man who can be that way. My mind knows but my feelings and attractions have a hard time following. Anybody else have this dilema?