Why 3?

by SpiceItUp 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpiceItUp

    Why 3 meetings a week?
    Has there ever been any magazine brochure article or book that answers this?

    While I'm thinking about it....does anyone know where/how the name Kingdom Halls came about??

  • obiwan

    So no one can have a life! The less your out there the less you know.

  • outnfree

    Hehe, Spice!

    It's FIVE meetings a week, dontcha remember? LOL

    Of course, I have no idea how the necessity for this magic number of meetings was determined, but I think obiwan's got the right idea: "keeping busy in the Lord" and all that!

    out (who is jealous that Spice is going to England)

  • NeonMadman

    Because the more time you spend preparing for meetings, attending meetings, preparing for service, going in service, etc. etc., the less time you have to stop and think about whether you really should be doing all this stuff.

  • SpiceItUp

    LOL guys......I knew that much....

    The busier they keep the congregation the less they are to think about the actual doctrine.

    I was wondering if anyone knows if they have ever addressed it in a publication. Would be neat to see what they say about it.

    Makes me mad to know that good people (ie my mother) actually believe they enjoy wasting all their time. I swear she never has any time to do anything for herself between the dubs and work.

    Any ideas on the KH question??????

  • JH

    All those meetings is to control us better. Who knows, we could be tempted to do bad things once in a while.

    It's for our own good.

  • onacruse

    hehe, this was a good one:

    *** w59 7/15 pp. 428-429 How Is Your Spiritual Appetite? ***


    Some brothers think they are mature, but they do not seem to be able to develop enough spiritual appetite or to discipline themselves to be at all the regular meetings. They are choosy as to which meetings to attend. Could it possibly be that we have too many meetings? Is it not enough for us just to pick some of them to attend regularly? Do not forget that at least eight hours a day you are exposed to the false propaganda of Satan’s world, designed to wash out of your brains every bit of nourishment for the spiritual life. So how could five hours a week in meetings be too much for the building up and sustaining of that state of mind called faith? There are degrees in faith. Some people have much, some have little faith. The same person can have more or less faith at different times, but it all depends on the spiritual food taken in first of all, and then also acts of faith performed by that person. Faith is compared to a shield "able to quench all the wicked one’s burning missiles." In this age of missiles no Christian can afford to lower his shield for a moment by leaving out some meetings and taking in others according to his own choice. That is why we must be regular in attending all meetings arranged for true Christians and must also study privately.


  • onacruse

    As for "Kingdom Hall":

    *** w84 2/1 p. 25 ‘Oneness of Spirit’ in a Rapidly Growing Flock ***

    14 In the same year that the "great crowd" was properly identified as an earthly class, J. F. Rutherford, then president of the Watch Tower Society, gave the name Kingdom Hall to a meeting place of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Hawaii. From that time on, this name has regularly been used by Jehovah’s Witnesses for their meeting halls.

    *** w55 8/15 p. 491 Part 16: Publishing Under a New Name, Theocratically ***

    Among other developments to note was that resulting from the visit of the Society’s president to the Hawaiian Islands in 1935. Then a branch office was established in Honolulu and arrangements were made for construction of an assembly hall in connection with the new branch building there being erected. At the dedication this hall was appropriately designated "Kingdom Hall," thus commencing the practice of Jehovah’s witnesses the world over of calling their congregational meeting centers Kingdom Halls. In the fall of 1937 what had formerly been known as the "London Tabernacle" was now redecorated and renamed "Kingdom Hall."

    The references footnoted in the w55 are to a pre-1940 Yearbook and Consolation, which I don't have available.

    Rutherford was on a roll..."Jehovah's Witnesses," "great crowd," "Kingdom Hall"


  • JeffT

    Some time in the past (1940's? can't remember) they built a new hall in Hawaii and somebody had the bright idea of calling it "Kingdom Hall." The name stuck. I think before that they were just called "Meeting Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses."

    I agree that the five meetings a week are there to keep the good dubs under control. I can't think of anything that goes on there that actually means anything any more. There hasn't been a new thought in the Watchtower for years.


    Now think about it, with those 3 nights previous dedicated to activities related to the WTBTS, you can now use those 3 nights, to do what you would be doing on the other 4.

    Freedom is oh-so-sweet!

    Best wishes to all of you with 7 nights just for you.

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