Colorado Mass Shooting

by Simon 34 Replies latest social current

  • Simon
    Authorities would not speak to motive but did say they were not treating this as a hate crime

    Yeah, funny that - apparently he's spewed hate for a considerable period, threatened many and used those same hate laws to bully and harass others by taking advantage of "islamophobia" claims.

    Isn't it odd how they can ascribe motive for some crimes, often before they even catch someone, and immediately dismiss motive for others? Almost like they have to make things fit a narrative ...

    They fool no one.

    The Democrats are now saying this is the reason all guns have to be removed and they are exhorting Biden to do something about it and do it quick

    Yes, it's their go-to position anytime there is an inconvenient shooting. It's a distraction to avoid talking about the ethnicity and motivations of the attacker.

  • StephaneLaliberte
    It's a distraction to avoid talking about the ethnicity and motivations of the attacker.

    As we are often unable to face the real issues, we often resort to placing the attackers in "convenient" groups.

    • He's white kid that shot other kids? Must've been bullied.
    • He's an Arab shooting down white people? Must've been influenced by terrorists.
    • He's a white shooting Arab's? He's a white supremacist.
    • He's shooting just about anything he could shoot? He's a nut job.

    Placing people in groups like that make us feel a bit more in control of what happened cause we can try to take actions to prevent these things by targeting these groups.

    • Bullied? Let's prevent bullying
    • Terrorist? Let's limit immigration further and enforce police/government monitoring
    • Supremacist? Let's provide more education to "de-program" them
    • Nuts? Lets pass laws that prevent the nut jobs from owning guns.

    Reality is far from being this simple and by placing these people into "convenient' groups, we are not getting any closer to preventing such situations.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Yes, good point in the OP.

    Compare media coverage of this Arab-American nutter with the coverage of that white guy who is a supposed sex addict and killed some Asian women.

    The mainstream media is systemically anti-white, it seems.

  • mickbobcat

    I am not scared of Muslims but I know you can not take the jungle out of the monkey. Muslims follow a hate filled religious code. That is that. I think that very few if any Muslims are really peaceful. There are those who strap on the bomb vest and those who say they condemn it but in reality quietly support it. My rights are not superseded because the leftist idiots let in a flood of nut bars who want to kill all non Muslims. We hear all the time in England bla bla bla. Well they have a rash of stabbings, Muslims cutting of heads, running over crowds with cars and trucks ect. It is so bad they have tried the further stupid thing of putting out boxes that say save a life drop your knife. They have also stopped sales of kitchen knives at many stores. Its typical libtardism

  • StephaneLaliberte
    Muslims follow a hate filled religious code. That is that. I think that very few if any Muslims are really peaceful.

    There are close to 2 billion Muslims in the world. That's 1 in 4 humans on the planet. I doubt that hate actually extends to all these people that come from different background and cultures. You're logic could equally apply to the Christians as a whole who are also plagued by violent, terrorist sub groups of their own.

    The problem with the media is that they often seem to ignore the violent terrorist sub groups when they originate from minorities and make a big firework show when its a white/Christian.

    The fact that the media is bias doesn't mean that we need to lean on the complete opposite of the spectrum and make broad sweeping statements on a 1/4 of humanity.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    'Save a life, surrender your knife' - as if those two women were going to use their kitchen knives to kill people, lol.

    Of course, all Muslims aren't violent, all black men aren't violent, all right-wingers aren't violent.

    But there must be a better strategy than 'ban all knives'. <---- this is ridiculous.

  • Steel

    1. So, Boulder Colorado passes a city by-law banning the sale of assault weapons in 2018.

    2. NRA legal team assembles a lawsuit against the city of Boulder.

    3. Judge strikes down the ban as unconstitutional.

    4. Four days after the ban is lifted , kid buys an AR-15 legally in Boulder

    5. Six days after that, nutjob shoots up grocery store with weapon that was once illegal to buy in Boulder.

    What is the Alanis song ? Ironic, don't you think ?

  • pistolpete

    Six days after that, nutjob shoots up grocery store

  • millie210

    When people of any other race are shot its a hate crime.

    When white middle-class people are shot - its about gun laws.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere


    Did he buy in Boulder? . Arvada is 15 or 20 miles away: all part of denver metro

    I know a dozen people with ARs, none of them went berserk.

    As far as I know murder is still illegal. Self sefense may become illegal though

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