John Lewis: Trump isn't a legitimate president
by Brokeback Watchtower 67 Replies latest jw friends
It will take more than that..
To De-Throne Trump..
Funny, four years ago people made fun of Mitt Romney for calling Russia our No. 1 threat.
How ridiculous. He (Trump) won the election despite the behind the scenes efforts of many in the media and the Clinton campaign. I don't think he'll be a great president but saying he's not legitimate? Simply stupid. The election is over, it's pointless trying to battle it now. Does he think there'll be another recount or another election?
If Russia made up lies about Clinton then they should call them out on it. But if Russia just exposed lies and corruption by Clinton then they informed the US electorate more than the main-stream media was willing to do and did everyone a service.
As a senior democrat, he should be looking at the mess that happened on HIS watch with HIS party and figure out how HE can fix it. He supported Hillary and trashed Bernie Sanders during the primaries. What makes his opinion so special? It's interesting to look at people like John Lewis and how they were unfairly promoting Clinton and hurting Bernie even early on in the campaign:
Were those efforts ultimately helping or hurting black voters?
And what makes America so special that they can meddle in everyone else's elections but think theirs should be untouchable?
Village Idiot
If Russia made up lies about Clinton then they should call them out on it. But if Russia just exposed lies and corruption by Clinton then they informed the US electorate more than the main-stream media was willing to do and did everyone a service.
I have yet to hear what a single one of those emails said that made Hillary Clinton look bad. It seems that the mere presence of those emails made people assume that they exposed some wrongdoing on her part. Anyone know anything about a single email that was released?
Village Idiot
And what makes America so special that they can meddle in everyone else's elections but think theirs should be untouchable?
That's right, the United States has interfered with elections in other countries. The U.S. even overthrew the fairly elected President of Chile on September 11th, 1973 (Please note the irony). But does that justify the Russians?
I have yet to hear what a single one of those emails said that made Hillary Clinton look bad
They show that they colluded with the DNC to "un-level" the playing field against Sanders (John Lewis and the CBC were involved in this by the looks of things). Apparently, Clinton thought she had the right to decide who the DNC candidate should be (her) and not the electorate.
Also, the campaign was colluding with journalists to get questions in advance.
And that she was calculating and giving a different message in private than her public position.
Plus, the complete absence of so many emails shows she is untrustworthy.
But does that justify the Russians?
Justify? No.
Highlight the hypocrisy? Absolutely.
It's kind of funny how suddenly supportive the left is of the CIA, the god damn CIA (!), when there is a whiff of something about their political opponent. Yet there is zero evidence. All we've seen so far is claims, no proof.
I have no doubt that the Russian's wanted to influence the election just as every state wants to influence anything that affects them, but did they hack the DNC? It doesn't appear that they did - if you read the detail (not in the CIA reports) that show how Podesta was 'hacked' it really shows what a joke their security was.
The DNC and Clinton's campaign were both inept and incompetent.
Brokeback Watchtower
Plus, the complete absence of so many emails shows she is untrustworthy.
You may be right, definitely trying to hide something, but emails should be private to the recipient unless they want to make them public, which also may be another reason and less black and white like you suppose.