Not that i needed the gbs permission but i will take it anyway. Dureing the jw tv show i almost spit out my popcorn when he said jw can even show love to non witnesses then it dawned on me df people are not witnesses because the anouncment states they are no longer jw so now its official technically you can show love to non witnesses out of his own mouth thank you bro lesh now i have your permissiion to do what God and Jesus do ha ha .
Yippee bro lesh just gave me permission to love my disfelowshipped friends.
by poopie 10 Replies latest jw friends
You're attempting you justify your thought process with logic. We all know that logic in the bOrg is as unwelcome as Satan himself. -
Poopie, i like your effort on that but unfortunately its not going to fly. The difference is people in the world were never JW. Once being a JW and then no lomger being one, actively leaving the cult, is viewed differently than never having been one in the first place. -
Don't you know, poopie? Disfellowshipped people are unpersons. They don't count. -
Unpersons. I like that ....
I tried that logic a long time ago with my spouse. The scriptures say to "quit mixing in company with one called a brother", but DF'd or DA'd ones are no longer "brothers" so this scripture doesn't apply. She couldn't accept that logic. The indoctrination overrides all thinking ability. -
The jws believe they are showing love by shunning disfellowshiped persons. -
Good catch poopie. The down side is, the GB will probably close that loop hole very quickly with another nu-lite amendment.
Edited to add: Why is it, every time I see Losch's and Lett's names I hear 'douche' and 'letch' in my head?
When they say "non witnesses" they really mean "never witnesses".
If you have glimpsed behind the curtain then you are public enemy number 1, never to be trusted, never to be allowed to communicate with the captives.
Like most cults, they are terrified of ex-members - the ones who have woken up and could convince others to do the same.
Ok ill wait for loophole to close in the mean time its party on