And there's supposed to be no clergy in the "truth"!!!
Try Not To Vomit When You Read Todays Text
by pale.emperor 31 Replies latest watchtower bible
Here you go, Carla.
sparky1 - where was that? In a WT publication?
Yep. Its been posted here before. Bastards autographing bibles for cuban dictators
This is precisely the sort of idolatry they are bashing. Their own LIE-ble even tells people not to put trust in nobles. And isn't that what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is trying to make themselves? Besides, they are puke ugly--just looking at them is enough to make me puke. Is it any wonder joke-hova chose those scumbags to lead the flock into donating their spiritual energy to the cause of enslaving the whole world? Then they bash someone for worshiping the sun--which is a cleansing object.
@ ttdtt
It's in the 1999 May 15th WT.
[Picture on page 8]
Governing Body members sign gift Bibles for public officials
*** w99 5/15 pp. 7-9 A Historic Visit Makes an Island Rejoice ***
More about here: -
Interesting thread Pale. Years ago as a JW I did try to respect these elders, but they made it very difficult to do so. The statement in the text - " Those related to us in the faith CERTAINLY MERIT HONOR AND RESPECT " . This is ESPECIALLY true of the elders..."
I found that to be a mostly false statement. Many times I saw elders not deserving one ounce of respect due to their unjust and cruel actions towards members of the congregation ; or even actions taken against their own children , or wives. They lost my respect years ago when I saw their hypocrisy when I was a young man in my 20's in the 1980's. Many times I saw no evidence of " hard work or humility " - just a sense of entitlement, power , prestige and being a member of the " good old boys " club. Of which I wanted nothing to be a part of
Thanks Sparky!
The Bible refers to them as “gifts in men,” and they are a key part of God’s arrangement to care for the needs of his people. (Eph. 4:8)
This is a clear example how the Watchtower and their NWT twist the Scriptures. I have searched almost 40 Spanish Bibles in a computer program and several in English and Eph. 4:8 doesn't say "gifts in men". Each and every one of the Bibles translations I have read says: "gifts to men", a totally different meaning.
It's one step more for the WT to be a mainstream goes along with making their teachings simple so just a caste has the golden nuggets.