simon it amazes me how you seem to be insulating your tiny world to the extent that it seems to get tinier by the day. are you the owner of an international site that recommends itself as trying to release people from tyranny or trying to establish your own form?
London murder rate overtakes New York for first time ever after spate of fatal stabbings and shootings
by freemindfade 28 Replies latest social current
Research suggests that stop-and-frisk had few effects, if any, on crime in New York City.[8][9]Sorry, no effect on crime from stop and frisk.
The rules of police using stop and search in London changed a few years ago.
Apparently, police aren't allowed to use this power unless they reasonably suspect a person of being a terrorist (
If this is accurate perhaps it has something to do with the recent spike in (mostly black-on-black) stabbings?
Here's another London death (
Notice that The Guardian chose not to show a photo of the girl who was shot. Helpfully, The Daily Mail includes one.
Another case for Operation Trident methinks ...
Simon has it right. It's so easy to ignore inconvenient truths. I think the truth has already come out but the political elite won't have it.
It is an inconvenient truth for some.
Imagine being so obsessed with appearances that instead of focusing on the groups committing most of these violent crimes you instead play the pantomime that all are equal and police should walk around imaging some middle aged white woman could be just as likely to be a violent offender.
People would literally rather see children die that admit that people are not the same.
If older white men were going round stabbing people, I would not have any problem being stopped because as someone who doesn't stab anyone and doesn't have any desire to be stabbed, I can see the benefit of it stops people carrying such weapons.
Political correctness costs lives. Are hurt feelings really the most important thing?
Apostate Anonymous
What demographic of people are committing the most mass shootings again?
Should we be addressing this problem?
I mean since we are trying not to be PC and all
What demographic of people are committing the most mass shootings again?
Should we be addressing this problem?
I mean since we are trying not to be PC and allIf those statistics show anything, it's that Whites are underrepresented as mass shooters. ~62% of US Citizens are white...only 56% of US mass shooters are white. That's a -6% mass shooter representation.
Blacks: 12.5% of US population...yet, 16% of Mass shooters....
Asians: 5.6% of US population....yet, 7% of mass shooters...
So, if anything, whites are actually UNDERREPRESENTED as mass shooters, whereas Blacks and Asians are overrepresented.
Gun crime offenses in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.
Sound like someone needs tougher gun laws!