OK. When I was in about 4th grade, I had a friend whose mother was big into astrology and in addition to having all these weird mags around the house, Leslie was allowed to have a Ouija Board (which none of the rest of us could have!. Naturally, we all wanted to try it out. So one day we did. We asked typical pre-teen questions: Does so-n-so love me? Who's my secret crush? etc. I "asked the board" who I would marry. It kept going to the letter "B" and got stuck there, or so we thought. I also asked where we would live when I got married and it spelled out "D - E - ...T" but I pushed it to "N - V - E - R" because we were big into horsebackriding then and I didn't want to live in "DETROIT" which is where I "felt" the plastic "Ouija" thing was going to "send" me.
Fast forward to age 18. I was back from school in Europe and was invited to a party being held by some of my co-workers. It would be a good chance for a reunion so I accepted not knowing that the entertainment was a psychic reading for everyone present. So I went in quite skeptical. (Also knowing that this was not good, from my suspended-at-the-time JW Bible study.) Still, I went into the kitchen where the psychic proceeded to ask me who there was in my life with a name beginning with the letter B. I replied, "My dad is Bob, my brother is Bobby, I dated two Bobby's in high school..." And she said "No, no. It is not any of them. It is someone with a letter 'B'" I told her I had no idea who she was talking about. Then she goes on to tell me that I will be travelling TO Europe soon. I corrected her. "No, I just got BACK from Europe." She said, "Yes, but you will be returning shortly." Now, I didn't know how that could be true. I was 18, had spent all my savings to go to school there the first time, and had a lowly job as a telex operator (OOOOH! Am I dating myself!!!) So I was not very impressed with my reading.
Lo! and behold. A couple of weeks later I find a different job where not only my telex skills are needed, but also my French skills -- which is why I went to Europe in the first place. Who do you think I meet there? My husband. Baltasar. Nicknamed "B" because in America a handle like Baltasar is even odder than the homophone to "Bea"!!!
We are married 23 years this July. We have lived in the Detroit metropolitan area for most of our marriage (only relocating to Canada for 7 years, then returning). I had the reading in July of '74. We went to Spain together in May of '76.
Damn scary!