CA Judge Orders VICTIM to Pay Award to Abusers
by Newly Enlightened 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
(I didn't watch all of the video, but I read the links to the court case in the comments.)
A few Abel Perez case document links...
I do not believe in a literal place of hellfire, but if there was such a place, surely Watchtower Lawyers would be there.
Leviticus 14:43-45
"If, though, the contamination returns and breaks out in the house after the stones were torn out and the house was scraped and replastered, the priest will then go in and inspect it. If the contamination has spread in the house, it is malignant leprosy in the house. The house is unclean. He will then have the house pulled down—its stones, its timbers, and all the plaster and mortar of the house—and carried outside the city to an unclean place."
In Bible times, sometimes if a house was so incredibly unclean, you couldn't fix it. The whole house had to be taken down.
2 Peter 3:7
"But by the same word the heavens and the earth that now exist are reserved for fire and are being kept until the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly people."
The WTBT$ is one of many religious "houses" that are incredibly unclean. The figurative "fire" of Jesus' illustrations and of Revelation will soon "burn down" the disgusting religious institutions that wrongly claim to represent God's will - including the WTBT$ and their reproachful "legal" department.
Matthew 24:50,51
"...the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, and he will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his place with the hypocrites. There is where his weeping and the gnashing of his teeth will be."
Matthew 13:49,50
"That is how it will be in the conclusion of the system of things. The angels will go out and separate the wicked from among the righteous and will cast them into the fiery furnace. There is where their weeping and the gnashing of their teeth will be."
We can only do so much to make a change. We do what we can, but He will do the rest. If we die while we're waiting, what of it? At least the grave is a peaceful place. He can bring back the dead. And He will.
road to nowhere
Short version? An hour video or pages of download take too much time
When he was a kid, Abel Perez told the elders about his parents abusing him. (The first linked document describes a lot of the abuse.) The elders didn't do anything. When he got older and was finally able to report it as an adult, the Watchtower Lawyers said something to the effect that "we're not liable because the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses wasn't incorporated yet" or some lame excuse to that effect. Rather than admit their mistake and try to shepherd the hurt lamb, they added insult to injury and got "off the hook" because of legal loopholes. The WTBT$ just showed again what we already know - that they are frauds and con artists and they don't have love for people, they have love for money and prominence. Jehovah is the God of Love. The WTBT$ are not Jehovah's witnesses. The WTBT$ hurt the sheep and then try to put the blame on God. When the WTBT$ are destroyed as a religious institution, many will rejoice.
I may be dumb and I could not take all the video or pages of legal speak, but picked up what Easypromt says above.
Should not Mt Perez’s lawyer have spotted that flaw in their legal suit and made sure they sued the right WT Corporation.?
EasyPrompt: If we die while we're waiting, what of it? At least the grave is a peaceful place. He can bring back the dead. And He will.
Sick and twisted.
@nicolaou, Why is that sick and twisted? For some abuse victims, the bad memories don't stop. Haven't you ever just wished you could sleep through all this mess? I know I have. Even Job and Moses and Elijah said one time that they'd be grateful to be dead. (That's not the way to go if you can help it, but it is a valid emotion.)
It's all right. "We will get by."
The lawsuit was against Watchtower of New York, Watchtower of Pennsylvania and CCJW. As a exjw you know all the corporations are alter ego's of each other.