Moments That Make Your Skin Crawl.

by Englishman 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW72

    When I was at school, now and again we would have singing class which I enjoyed(I'm now a musician, so....)
    Anyway, one lesson we were singing like normal, but one of the songs the teacher chose was a hymn, I, being an amazing witness, decided not to sing, the teacher saw that I wasn't singing, stopped the proceedings, made me go to the front, face the class, and sing it solo.
    Worst thing is, I hardly knew the words!!!!!!!!!

    Can I win 1st prize, please?????????????????


  • shalom

    I am relating this one on behalf of my sister.... We were at the Sunday morning meeting and my young non JW cousin who was staying with us at the time attended too. She decided she needed to go to the bathroom so my mother took her. When finished, my mother sent my cousin back to her chair and told her to ask my sister if she needed to go too. So my cousin stood at the back of the hall and yelled out "JANE, DO YOU NEED TO GO TO THE TOILET???" at the top of her lungs.
    I think most of the hall would've needed to go after that - they were laughing so hard!!

  • Englishman

    There's some intruiging stuff here, but what about the time that Yours Truly was giving a SM talk on gossip?

    I followed the outline that said that sisters in particular(!) needed to be protected from the dangers of being involved in gossip.

    It actually came out as "All sisters need some form of internal protection!"

    Good grief, I can still blush at the memory!


  • normie67

    Here is the All Time Most Embarassing Moment in My JW Life......

    Thursday night before Ministry School, I looked at my TMS Schedule and I had Talk 4 in the Young People Ask!!! I did not prepare and did have my slip which gave me my assignment and what I was to work on. The subject was Masturbation, being a very good speaker(known for my demonstrative gestures by the way!!) I in haste threw it together. It was in the main hall not the library. I gave a killer performance gesticulated like an Italian(or so I was told)!!!!!!!! Guess what I was working on...........yep Study point 26!!!!....Repetion For Emphasis....and Gestures!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I about DIED!! Of course I was a GOOD student and sat front and center like a good JW for my assignment..You should have heard the chuckles from the audience, not loud but I knew!!!!

    Cracks me up to this Day.....WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!

    normie (Of The "Repetition For Emphasis" Class)

  • ninja

    hey jack crabbe....are you on the buckfast????

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