My father is still in the truth but keeps in touch with me from time to time. The other day, he sent me an email about how the Generation could be a 120 years like it was for Noah. So, I responded saying that it’d be a good thing if it turned out to be true; that he may believe it to be true, as long as he doesn’t judge people who don’t feel the same way. In the end, all that matters is love and good works.
He responded to my email, and, inline my comment, added “and doing God’s will”.
This boiled my blood. He obviously meant: Going door to door, regularly attend the meetings, anything related to the JW. So I sent an email outlining how Jesus talked about doing God’s will in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus seemed more concerned about encouraging people to display love in their day to day activities rather than actively take part in their religion. On the contrary, he exposed the religious leaders for their hypocrisy.
Love and good works (baring good fruits) is “God’s will”. Preaching is to actually encourage people to do God’s will. Religion is intended to help people in doing God’s will. Thus, it is not, in itself, God’s will.
Anyways, I am oversimplifying a huge email exchange that I had with him to the point that he said he wanted to wrap up that conversation in person as he wasn’t sure he understood what I meant.
My issue here is that I need to have some respect from my father… If he wants to keep in touch simply to let me know that God is displeased with me, I don’t see the point of keeping that relationship alive. I need him to acknowledge that if one day, I stand in judgement before God, I will have the same odds as any other JWs he knows.
I felt compelled to leave the JW specifically for their lack of love and their judgmental attitude over everyone. Now, I realize that my own Dad could actually be judging me as displeasing to God simply for not being a JW – nothing else.