Found the following on an AOL message board which seems related to the discussion here. Anyone who uses AOL can access the board. Type The Faith into the web address bar, then click Messages, then select The Faith, then select TESTIMONY OF ANNE. There don't seem to be any ex-Jehovah's Witness posting there btw.
For those who cannot access the board
Subject: Re: TESTIMONY OF "ANNE" former Jehovah's Witness
Date: 07/04/2003 21:06 GMT Standard Time
Response from: Chicnagorb (replying to the questions in italics following on from discussion about God's spirit-directed organisation)
>Do you think then that any people who ardently desire to seek God, to be
>footstep followers of Jesus, who love God with all their hearts and their
>neighbours as themselves, and who have been baptised in the name of the
>Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, but who are not associated with
>the Watchtower Society, are denied direction by means of the Holy Spirit?
The apostle Paul in the first century had a Zeal for God but not according to accurate Knowledge he followed the Jewish system.
I'm sure you'll agree that to be a footstep follower of Jesus then one must do what he did. Jesus’ disciples followed his footsteps in Christian educational work and had success similar to his. They not only preached the good news of God's Kingdom everywhere but also taught those who would listen. (Ac 2:42)
They, like Jesus, were bold and spoke with authority. (Ac 4:13, 19, 20; 5:29) God’s spirit empowered them and gave evidence of divine approval of their teaching. They taught in the temple, in synagogues, and from house to house. (Ac 5:16, 21; 13:14-16; 20:20) They met with fellow Christians for teaching and inciting one another to love and fine works.—Ac 20:7, 8; Heb 10:24, 25.
The apostle Paul described the different offices and activities in the congregation that were filled by mature men, among them being teachers. He showed that the purpose of all these activities was education, with a view to the training of the holy ones, for ministerial work, for the building up of the body of the Christ. (Eph 4:11-16) A regular program of education in God’s Word was carried on by the congregation, as outlined in 1 Corinthians chapter 14. All the members of the Christian congregation, even the women, were to be teachers; they were to make disciples of the people of the world. (Ac 18:26; Heb 5:12; Ro 12:7) But within the congregation itself mature men were appointed to oversight, as, for example, Timothy and Titus. (1Ti 2:12) Such men had to be those qualified to teach the congregation and to correct things that may have got out of line. They were to use extraordinary care to ensure that their teaching was accurate and healthful.—1Ti 4:16; 2Ti 4:2, 3; Tit 2:1.
First century christians set the criteria for christians today, who are also commissioned to preach a teach the good News of God's kingdom world wide. Therefore christians who would be doing that work, on Jesus inspection, would be the ones he would appoint over all his belongings Mt 24:45-47.
So the question is which group are fulfilling that criteria of those first century Christians today? It is Jehovah's people.