You talk a lot but get to the meat of what you are saying. I'm not speaking in a philosophical sense and I'm not saying that that I am the arbiter of what is right or wrong, but what I DO believe is that certain ideas can either lead one to a good or a bad end.
We can sit around, smoke fine cigars and sip brandy and debate how many angels can fit on the head of a pin in perpetuity, but don't we have life to live? Seriously, you can philosophise anything, even that the computer sitting in front of you doesn't exist, but eventually decisions must be made, actions must be taken and the historians will decide weather we were right or wrong, long after I have lived my (hopefully) long and happy life.
BTW, yes it would be cool from an anti-JW standpoint for the UN to go kaput, but I don't believe it will or needs to. The UN can be an effective body, but in its present state it is quite ... innefective.