hey all:
first off, i want to say how much reading your posts along with the rest of this site (and others) has helped in the last year or so. i've been out--df'd--since '95 and was pretty comfy with my reasons for leaving, till my fiancee turned me on to this site last summer. i must have lost a whole month reading experiences, then getting c.o.c. and the other books. answers to questions i'd buried in my mind for years, all right there and making perfect sense. one of these days i'll tell my story, it's a familiar one. you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll save five bucks.
but the reason for the post is, i was contacted a month ago via e-mail by someone named susan lee from "four door productions" who said she was doing a documentary on jw's and wanted to interview me as an ex-jw etc etc. i replied, what do you need to know that you don't have access to from all these websites etc? and she said she wanted to get my thoughts on their organization as an ex-jw. i replied, sure, let's meet at a starbucks by my restaurant. she replies, can we come to your house? we need to know exactly where you live (that's a quote). i reply, i'd rather meet at a public place. a week goes by and then another request to meet in my home because "starbucks is too noisy".
my question is, have any of you been contacted in a similar way? this is just uber-creepy. something isn't right here, i'm ignoring any further e-mail from them.
d (i've got to get a better screen name)