I think this post may be an absolute: no brainer
But, I am going to ask it anyways.
Personally, when I was an active naive JW, I studied the bible and could rattle scriptures off, left right and centre. Real good fundie.
For almost 8 years, I was associated and active as a JW to some capacity.
There were times that despite my perceived knowledge of scripture (according to the WTBTS) would cause me some great mental anguish.
For you who read this thread. How many of you still believe in the bible?
How many of you have moved away from it?
How many of you, cannot debate scripture/doctrine? (post-JW)
How many of you, still actively hold the bible as divinely inspired?
For me, I obviously moved away from it. I cannot rattle off scriptures anymore, probably because I don't believe in the bible (personally).
There is great value however, that those of you who frequent on here: DO
How so? I guess it's like stating the obvious. There'll always be people venturing in here looking to either challenge, or ask important questions related to WTBTS doctrine and teaching. I have seen on numerous occasions, members of this forum, debate beautifully with those who are either questioning scriptural references, and/or the WTBTS teachings on a given topic.
I admire and respect it. It's just odd, in retrospect, that something I once felt so deeply passionate towards; (I could memorize scriptures like a mantra) has left me practically void of scriptural references, and biblical passages, thus excluding me from on-line debate.
How many of you have thought this way, or at least, know where the hell I'm coming from?
I'm sure many of you do. Many thoughts going through my head at this moment.
Thanks to anyone who cares to share.