The Next Vietnam?

by dubla 22 Replies latest social current

  • Trauma_Hound

    Do you have a thing for me dubla? I'm sorry if I have a job, and can't surf this place all day long like you can. Now point to a link where this WOULD be like vietnam, I made references to Somolia, as a possibility. But obviously you can't tell the difference between conjecture, and facts. If anything I said I hoped it wouldn't be like that. Now stop harrasing me, you didn't need to send me a private pm.

  • Simon

    I may be mistaken but I don't think people's objections were to the war plan but more to the reasons we were being given for the war. It seems to have gradually switched from being for WoMD to liberation. People on all sides expressed concern for the potention for loss of life - both civilian and military. Some expressed it for those on both sides.

    I hope they find some WoMD as otherwise the politcal fallout will go on for much longer and there will always be the issue of an "imperialist" nation invading another sovereign state.

  • dubla

    t h-

    im sorry my pm so irritated wont happen again! i had no idea that youd take a simple link so personally....what a harasser i am! lol, i just thought youd like the topic, seeing as how youve made reference to it before.....and yes, ill dig up the link for you.


    I may be mistaken but I don't think people's objections were to the war plan but more to the reasons we were being given for the war.

    there wasnt any objections to the war plan that i can remember, but i did see alot of criticisms of the war plan. in fact, you even posted about the one reporter that was fired because of criticizing the war plan, remember? and i believe you remarked that his comments were more or less substantiated, but id have to look for that one. as far as the reasons we were given for the war, i myself have stated that the switch from "wmd" to "liberation" was a p.r. ploy, and that has nothing to do with this thread. maybe you missed the comparisons some were trying to make about vietnam? i might really have to do some digging here to back up my own thread now, lol.


  • Simon

    BTW: How is Afghanistan going? It dropped from media attention some time ago and seems to have been forgotten about. Isn't that still ongoing and not really sorted out yet?

  • dubla


    heres one quick link regarding criticism that i could find....but its not the meat and potatoes of what im talking about here, and unfortunately i dont have much more time to post today...more later........

    afa your btw.....what does afghanistan have to do with this topic? unless youre insinuating that we will be searching for iraqi soldiers for years, the way we are searching for terrorists in afghanistan. i suppose thats a remote possibility, but i certainly wouldnt compare afghanistan with vietnam, would you?


    (ps...afghanistan hasnt dropped out of media attention...but admittedly everything gets pushed aside when we have one of the biggest events in decades taking place. we just finished a major raid in afghanistan, and as i remember from the account i watched on cnn, i think there was around 1000 soldiers involved).

  • Trauma_Hound

    What exactly does that link, have to what, you claim I did. Hello I didn't write that article! Jesus, I'm getting really sick and tired of this, do you know the difference between, posting and article and actually writing that article?

  • dubla

    t h-

    Now point to a link where this WOULD be like vietnam, I made references to Somolia, as a possibility. But obviously you can't tell the difference between conjecture, and facts. If anything I said I hoped it wouldn't be like that.

    tsk soon we forget what we, you only made references to somalia huh.....and you only said you hoped it wouldnt be like that?? luckily your quote wasnt too hard to track down.....

    t h said (bold/enlarge mine):

    Wooo, a whole 4 people! You didn't mention the 4000 supposed suicide bombers, and this is just messed up, do you enjoy seeing baby's get killed? Now because of the suiced bombers, they're firing on women and childrent, 13 of them, 7 of them were killed. You bush people can go to hell, as far as I'm concerned, and acording the rules of texas, you need your asses kicked. I knew this was going to happen, I just knew it, people don't listen, people don't think for themselves, had we had international support, it would be different, but we don't, the only Arab country backing us, is Kuwait, and even some of them aren't totally for it. Wake up people! This is this century's vietnam, mark my words.


  • dubla

    t h-

    What exactly does that link, have to what, you claim I did.

    nothing, that link was for simon.......anyhow, im sure youve read your quote now, and its probably all rushing back to you...i gotta run, ill be anxious to read your response tomorrow.....have a nice day.


  • Trauma_Hound

    Ok I said that, I forgot about that post. But still what is your point? This war isn't over yet.

  • teejay


    The “liberation” in Iraq won’t turn into a Vietnam. There has always been too many differences btw the countries/conflicts to mention – Iraq’s political isolation (no USSR to back them up) being one example of that. HOWEVER...

    I have little doubt that the lingering effects of the war will persist for many years... likely affects even worse for this country than Vietnam . Borrowing from Chomsky: in pre-emptively bullying it’s way into a sovereign nation’s capital with the clear and expressed purpose of killing a national leader—to the dismay and disapproval of practically the entire civilized world where there was no justifiable reason to do so—America has certainly set an all-time low standard in world diplomacy that must be reckoned with for years to come. That it has made itself the number one enemy of the Arab world is a no-brainer. Outside of that, it has thrashed decades-long agreements even with its long-time friends.

    Bask in the glory of your “victory”, Mr. Bush. While you can.

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