I ask this because Farkel brings up a very good point. Here, he spends countless hours in writing an essay on a subject that we probably never would have known about, had he not written an expose' on it, and yet he may not get that many responses for all his hard work and research. On the other hand, I and others might ask a very simple question and recieve a huge amount of responses. Is there a good reason for this? Is it that we just like to read these essays without too much comment on them? Do we not enjoy reading essays? Are we not able to appreciate them? Do we like to answer simple questions because we are mostly basically simple, here? (Perhaps, that's the reason some think this board has changed for the worse).
Would You Prefer To Respond To a Question Or A Book Report?
by minimus 13 Replies latest jw friends
It takes time and thought to respond meaningfully to an essay (Farkel doesn't write "book reports," but I know what you mean). It takes a bit of mental energy to assimilate all of the parts of an essay, understand how those parts work together, and respond in a way that reflects an actual understanding of things. Most people don't have time to think carefully, or don't know how, or don't care to. Much easier to respond to the snap, crackle, pop of your questions -- which I don't mind, really.
I've written a lot of essays (not about Witnesses, so I haven't posted them), and I know the pain of getting a "quick response" to something you really worked on, a response that doesn't acknowledge the sure pain and effort it took to produce something that means something. But if someone doesn't give a huge answers to one of your questions, so what? It just took a few seconds to type ...
But, apples and oranges. Some of your questions seem to produce pretty good discussions, and a discussion board doesn't have to be just one thing, anyway.
Dedalus, I really wasn't trying to just center on my questions. I'm thinking of any post that's not an essay or a very long statement. If I wrote a piece that I felt was especially good and yet it didn't recieve the acknowlegement that I was looking for, I'm sure I'd be disappointed. But I think that many of us enjoy READING such essays but most do not feel the desire to contribute to what has been clearly defined. You might not be able to say anything that could be better than the original. Of course, if we look at the fact that few may not express an opinion, it might be because they're afraid they might get their head ripped off if they question or disagree.
I for one can't look at a computer monitor for long. That's one reason why I tend to pick shorter entries to comment on. And if someone types a lengthy repsonse to a post, in all likelihood I will not read it in its entirety.
truly, i think the reasons have already been stated.
for me it is simply a matter of time. i sometimes am so regretful that i don't have time to really read and think upon the long postings. i try to make a mental note so that i will be able to get back to them at some point and really do them justice. even some short postings with one single question require more than an off the cuff answer; they require thought and perhaps some research before they can be answered with any intelligence.
i have 2 careers going, a husband, and a church with which i have become involved, so time is not in abundance. i happen to have come home sick this past sunday nite and have used it as an excuse the last couple of days to spend a bit of time here,....but it is a real luxury for me. i truly treasure all of the contacts iv made.
the one person who did captivate me some weeks ago in the wee morning hours was aguest in her dialogue with james thomas in her posting, "for as often as you eat of it....". now i will certainly try to spend the time reading what she says, but even so it usually must be quick and cursory.
so, minimus, i do enjoy your questions. they are easier to reply to in the time i have available.
Minimus, everything you said in your reply to me is correct, and I can't think of anything to add.
Minimus, I find the questions you ask, and the subjects you ask about, are regarding relevant areas of life for us eg. attitudes, feelings, actions of our every-day life. You ask questions that provoke people to look at themselves and at other people. They are direct questions, straight to the point, without unneccessary space-filler in between. And they're interesting. Often things we may have not considered before.
Farkel has written essays in the past, but they were academic in nature, often long (in internet terms) and about history, people and statements from books now long out of date. They were interesting in an intellectual point of view, but don't have much bearing on our everyday lives.
I prefer reading about people's lives. I prefer an autobiography to a physics textbook.
PS. I know Farkel will attack me for writing the above, but I'm used to it. I only have to breathe and he attacks me for that too. It's just his nature I guess (sad, eh?)
It's all a matter of personal tastes.
There have been plenty of question threads I didn't respond to because they just didn't matter to ME. And after all, isn't this what this forum is for? Personal use?
Yes when you invest a lot of time and energy into a post it can be frustrating not get anyone to respond, but that's a risk a person takes when they "publish" something that they have personal stock in. Some people will love it, others will appreciate it, and still more won't find it relevant at all. But that's their problem. Any writer that doesn't develop a thick skin fast won't last long.
You also have to consider your audience. This is to me is a forum for people to tell personal stories and heal from the abuse and trauma they faced as witnesses. And it's also on the internet. These two factors in my mind that people want to be able to type quick respones that are personal...i.e. allow them to vent, and to allow them a chance to bond through shared experience.
Some people may view this forum as a place to develop research, campagins for attack of JW doctrine, etc. But then again, this is just a message board above all. If people are really looking for meaningful research, they probably won't come here. Not to demean the work people do here, it's very important and will always have an impact on those who need it/are looking for it.
I personally am over the doctrine aspect. I am only here for the bonding now.
And I have to address this issue, and I don't know where else to do it, but I am pretty tired of everyone treating this place like it's some popularity contest place. People who were bemoaning JH for starting a thread for people to mention who has had an effect on them was in poor taste in my book. If people want to state appreciation for people they might not normally think of doing such a thing unless a thread is started. If your name isn't mentioned...so? IT'S AN INTERNET FORUM!! If you post something and nobody responds, or you don't get the accolades and hot topic status you were hoping for...so? The question you have to ask is, are you proud of the contrabuitions you make? Do you give advice and support to people to be noticed, or are you doing out of the goodness of your heart? I dunno...it's just been bugging me...I'm done now...thanks!
Personal choice- respond to questions-reasons: Takes less effort, less computer time, I wear glasses reading off of a computer screen is irritating to my vision another reason why I choose to use larger font size.
I'm not an essayist or the 10 page manifesto type. If the subject matter is of no interest to me I hardly care to read it regardless of who the author is.
Edit format to add: Sometimes the author does come into play. I do enjoy reading certain posters on this forum I find their style of writing and expression appealing to my senses.
So the bottom line is that answering a question is a lot easier than responding to a thesis.....I knew that.