The friends that I have that know Bush, are that, friends, and hold no political status, though are influential in the business world. They are not involved with business dealings with Bush or his family. Their names are likely not those that anyone here would recognize. My point is this, that unless we know someone personally, and know what is in their heart, we should not be so quick to rush to a judgment to their charactor. What we see on TV is exactly that, bits and pieces of video, or speeches. It does not show what happens in day to day activities, behind closed doors.
There are so many on this board that are ready to blast Bush and others, when they don't know the whole story. Who are we to judge, when we don't know the person? It would be rather foolish of us to state that we know what the "real" intentions are of anyone that we don't know.
How many of us really even know one another here on the board? It takes a while to know anyone in person, let alone on a chat board. Who here can say even what my intentions are? I only have met 2 people on this board in person, and one is my wife. People have gotten to know a little about me from reading my posts, but until you spend time with someone, how do you really know? But yet, some watch a little tv, read some magazines or the newspaper, and think they know everything that is going on, and what the true intentions are of people they have never met, and never will.
I encourage all to take a step back, realize that we don't know everything, and to give others the benefit of doubt, until proven otherwise.