I took one lesson so far. It really helped. I am working on my grip, and just swinging with my wrists, then move into my arms. It really helps having lessons
I'm a jealous bastard!. I have been golfing for 3 years and never a lesson. It shows too.
I have balls I bought at a yard sale at a good price. A whole shitload for $5. Dirt, scratches, dents, ....the whole nine yards ( pun intended ) so I guess washing my balls would be to know avail.
Teeny....keep at it....it's a fun relaxing sport and it WILL grow on you. It is a mental mind game to a big degree that depends on focusing big time. To prove it's a mental mind game......wait till you come to some water and see if your ball wants to go there.........it will. Mine always does!