SARS here to stay

by Simon 19 Replies latest social current

  • Simon

    I disagree ... this has spread quickly - so quickly that they have not been able to contain it and it's now travellwed the world. The benefit of international travel eh?!

    When Spanish Flu killed millions after the end of the first world war, it was helped to spread by troop movements (returning home) but it spread much more slowly than the current one. Even so, it killed millions.

    There is no guarantee that they will be able to find or develop a cure for this - this sometimes takes years and we won't get "years" this time. We put too much faith in our ability to inject our way out of things and most anti-biotics are becoming ineffective due to overuse and misuse.

  • m0nk3y

    Simon my boyfriend works in one of Western Australias largest Path centres and beleive me there are alot more scary contagions there then SARS, perspective wise SARS is about as scary as being killed by Anthrax. More people die worldwide by car crash's a day, more people die from unprotected sex a day, more people die from suicide daily. People have contracted SARS and then got over it far more people have recovered than have died from it. If 50% of people who contracted SARS died then we could start comparing it to the Spanish Flu but even then it wouldnt be that close. And Simon there is alot to be said of imunisation, people work all their lives to create protection from things we don't need to to know about, these people deserve alot of credit.

    I think alot of people watch and read the news to much, most of it has been added to and taken away from and just purly changed to make it more interesting.

  • Shakita

    Just to add more fuel to the fire.......

    Posted on Wed, Apr. 09, 2003
    CDC director updates Berkeley crowd on SARS

    BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) - The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was supposed to speak here Tuesday night about how prepared the national health system is for another terrorist attack.

    Instead, Dr. Julie Gerberding's talk was dominated by severe acute respiratory syndrome, the contagious disease that has spread from Asia to the United States and elsewhere.

    Gerberding told the audience at the University of California, Berkeley that for the first time, a U.S. medical worker caring for a suspected SARS patient has likely come down with the disease.

    She did not disclose where the stricken health care worker lives -- only that the patient was added to the list of suspected cases over the weekend.

    ``We're confident it will turn out to be a true case,'' Gerberding said.

    Health care workers were among the early victims as the disease began to spread in Asia. Two health care workers in Hawaii who fell ill after caring for a woman with pneumonia were among the first suspected American victims. But their illnesses were relatively mild and health officials have doubted the cases will end up being related to the outbreak.

    The fact that SARS trumped even homeland security shows just how consuming the illness has become for the CDC, which is receiving a record number of phone calls from members of the public asking for answers public health officials often don't yet have.

    Before she flew to California on Tuesday, Gerberding told a Senate panel that the volume of daily SARS-related calls can exceed 1,500 -- more than the CDC received even at the peak of the fall 2001 anthrax attacks.

    Most of Gerberding's talk surveyed what health officials know about SARS, which as of Monday had infected 2,600 people worldwide. There are 148 suspected cases in the United States.

    She told the audience that about 4 percent of those who contract SARS die -- a lower mortality rate than CDC officials first thought.

    ``Most people do seem to recover,'' she said.

    Earlier Tuesday, Gerberding told the Senate appropriations health subcommittee that officials are working aggressively with airlines to determine appropriate procedures if a suspected SARS patient is on board a flight, including what protections are needed for workers on the plane and how the plane might be decontaminated.

    She also said:

    --The CDC is forming a communications team to make sure the agency is doing a good job communicating with the Asian community on SARS. Still, she said, they want to be sensitive to bias, because this is not a disease of Asians but a disease of people who have been in the part of the world where SARS is spreading.

    --CDC has three potentially useful tests to diagnose the virus, which CDC suspects is a new form of the coronavirus, which causes the common cold.

    She said the U.S. cases, on average, may be less serious than those in other parts of the world because the CDC is using a very broad case definition in hopes of capturing all real cases. Someone doesn't have to have severe pneumonia to be listed as suspect SARS here, she said.

    --While the health system in the United States ``has risen to the occasion,'' other nations may not be responding as well to SARS.

    ``It's going to be very difficult to contain it'' as it spreads across the globe, she said.

    I was watching a scientist on TV last night who is on the front lines trying to find more about SARS. He said that the people who need to worry the most are the healthcare workers who come in contact with the infected cases. Even though the healthcare workers in Asia used the usual precautions when dealing with an infectious disease such as masks and gloves, they still became infected. This is a worrying to those who are investigating why SARS is being so quickly spread.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • dubla
  • gitasatsangha

    SARS is clearly a potential worldwide epidemic.

    It is obvious then, we must invade Syria.

  • dubla

    its starting to look like some of the posters were right in saying that the media just over-hyped sars........"dont believe everything you see on tv", thats what i keep hearing this year....good advice maybe.?.


  • truthseeker1

    Go after China, they started it.

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    "When Spanish Flu killed millions after the end of the first world war, it was helped to spread by troop movements (returning home) but it spread much more slowly than the current one. Even so, it killed millions."

    The main reason it spread so far and killed so many was that scientists at the time were unaware or virus' and were assuming it was a bacterial problem. This would not happen today, unless of course, a new type of "bug" other than bacterial or a virus existed.

    Dr. Stan MD

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Although I don't recall the exact statistics, I do recall that the fatality rate for influenza is quite a bit higher than SARS. How many of you even bother to get a flu shot?

  • Valis

    These are the latest stats from WHO...however I also noticed on the WHO page that 3000 children die a day of would seem to me that the press picks and chooses the pestilence they want to cover...sad really..

    Country Cumulative number of case(s) 2
    Number of new cases since last WHO update 2 Final status/ Number of deaths Final status/ Number recovered 3 Local chain(s) of transmission 4 Date of last report Australia 4 0 0 4 None 1/May/2003 Brazil 2 0 0 2 None 24/Apr/2003 Bulgaria 1 0 0 0 None 28/Apr/2003 Canada 147 0 20 87 Yes 1/May/2003 China 3638 187 170 1351 Yes 1/May/2003 China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 5 1600 11 162 834 Yes 1/May/2003 China, Macao Special Administrative Region 1 0 0 0 None 30/Apr/2003 China, Taiwan 89 11 3 25 Yes 1/May/2003 France 5 0 0 1 None 21/Apr/2003 Germany 7 0 0 7 None 30/Apr/2003 Indonesia 2 0 0 1 None 30/Apr/2003 Italy 9 0 0 4 None 30/Apr/2003 Japan 2 0 0 0 None 1/May/2003 Kuwait 1 0 0 1 None 20/Apr/2003 Malaysia 6 0 2 3 None 30/Apr/2003 Mongolia 6 0 0 3 Yes 30/Apr/2003 Philippines 4 0 2 1 None 28/Apr/2003 Poland 1 1 0 0 None 1/May/2003 Republic of Ireland 1 0 0 1 None 24/Apr/2003 Republic of Korea 1 0 0 0 None 1/May/2003 Romania 1 0 0 1 None 22/Apr/2003 Singapore 201 0 25 143 Yes 1/May/2003 South Africa 1 0 0 0 None 9/Apr/2003 Spain 1 0 0 1 None 24/Apr/2003 Sweden 3 0 0 2 None 23/Apr/2003 Switzerland 1 0 0 1 None 1/May/2003 Thailand 7 0 2 5 None 30/Apr/2003 United Kingdom 6 0 0 6 None 1/May/2003 United States 54 2 0 23 None 30/Apr/2003 Viet Nam 63 0 5 56 None 1/May/2003 Total 5865 212 391 2563


    District Overbeer of the "Corona Beers, Not Viruses" class

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