Hello people who read this post by me....
Sometimes I don't know why I start my own threads...not any body really responds to me.I thought I had friends here,that I could whine and be a big sookie to and that would be ok.sorrie if I offend anyone here who does care.
Well,some of you may know I have a disabled child with autism.I am at my end of my rope with him.I love my son a great deal but sadly to say.I may be placing him in a home.For he can get the help he needs.I know there isnot much help for austic people and I know I basically get no help for Matthew.(Petty I am still thankful for what you tried to do for me,you mean a great deal to me) I have asked for help,over and over.I asked for teaching for myself,for I could help my son.It will not be givin to me. I get some goverenment help for my son,whcich is 300 a month for care ,trasportation.It doesnt help at all.People want 10 an hour or more to take my son out,and I have to pay for places to bring him....gezzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My son is naked all the time,he has started his poo smearing habit again and he is doing things that I dont care to mention.this may gross people out..but my son has worms and he has had them for 2 yrs.I have been treating him and the whole family over and over.I have brought him to doctors and the hospital for them to do something to get rid of them..but they wont help me.I keep giving him the medication and i cant get rid of them!I clean like a nutt in this place.He has tile on his floor,no carpet.I don't understand why professionals wont help me.I ask and ask,over and over and the help is just not there.
There has been other people in this province that has had to put their child in a home,that is the only way they will get the help they need here.They won't help the parents,but they will help the child in someone eleses home.
My son isn't going to have a life,with no help.Being with me,is no good for him.I cannot offer him anything.I love him so much.
I made a thread awhile ago about my health and its not too great.My right kidney is not fuctioning....so to say it failing and my liver has a swollen vein.Good thing we dont need 2kidneys and a full liver...
Gezzz man I may as well write yahs all a book and mail it to yahs.....buuuuttt
the past couple of months,my man just isn't giving me what I need.He leaves allll the time,and he thinks thats ok.I work all day and when I get home he leaves.He puts his friends first,family last.He says he's not cheating....*shrugs*
I don't have much help,it feels like its just me doing all the "hard" work.My family doesnt help me when it comes to my son.My frineds just dont know how to handle him.
Well there is more but I'll just stop here...
thanks (this may go under the wrong topic..still not sure how to do that part)