WT resumes public ministries*

by Smiles 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Smiles

    from jw org news alert:

    BREAKING NEWS | Resuming Public Witnessing

    On May 31, 2022, the Governing Body informed all Branch Committees that they may now resume all forms of public witnessing with the exception of the door-to-door ministry. Each Branch Committee will examine the local situation in its branch territory, taking into account any governmental restrictions, and will soon provide direction to the congregations.

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  • Smiles

    Why resume all forms of public ministry except door-to-door?

    Does WT fear bad publicity or litigation from: 'JWs came to my door uninvited and gave me covid?'

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  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    '''Why resume all forms of public ministry except door-to-door?

    Does WT fear bad publicity or litigation from: 'JWs came to my door uninvited and gave me covid?'''

    Of Course!!! I mean what did you expect??

    Anything the Borg can do to avoid ''legal'' entanglements.

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  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Groan. They'll be washing down the carts and raring to go!


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  • Vanderhoven7

    Roll out the carts!

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  • smiddy3

    That`s good ,no waking us up these cold wintry mornings and we can then do a lot of anti witnessing to those still trapped in the Borg doing cart work if we are so inclined to do so.

    We should be able to form great questions for them to mull over even if they don`t respond to us at the time .

    Once a seed of doubt is planted in their mind who knows what will result ?

    You can`t unhear what you heard.

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  • BoogerMan

    "New light" on scripture in the NWT:

    (Acts 20:20) "I did not hold back from telling you any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching you publicly and from house to house trolley to trolley."

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  • smiddy3

    HAHAHA BoogerMan

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  • nowwhat?

    Time to tune up the singing literature cart!

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  • StephaneLaliberte

    Most JWs I know are happy about not doing door to door. This may very well become the new standard. Besides, times have changed in several countries. At least, in Canada, I can tell you that 30 years ago, it wasn't rare for people to knock on your door for various reasons. As the years passed, this has become rare, even before covid. Even pop in's are no longer socially accepted: Friends and family now text or phone before showing up!

    Times have changed and JWs should change with their time. Perhaps Covid is the perfect time for that transition.

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