Who has seen the official Watch tower site?

by born againer 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • born againer
    born againer

    I have been looking at the official site to see what they offer. Its the load of rubbish you usually hear at the door, but there was one thing that really got to me -

    "It was a Christian country that gave birth to the holocaust and another that unleashed the horrors of atomic warfare on Japan."

    Thats a bit rich coming from them, considering it was America that created the JW's!!!

    Does anyone know when their very important memorial meeting is? Is it today, or next Thursday?

  • riz

    it's Wednesday, April 16.

  • born againer
    born againer

    Thank you riz! I have a friend who is a witness, and he asks me every year! I want to be prepared when he asks me, rather than surprised.

  • Gopher

    Of course the JW's want to blame all the world's horrors on "other" religions that claim to be Christian. What is so "rich" about that too, is that what the Witnesses pray for, advocate, preach about, and plead with God for -- is a bloody Armageddon that would far exceed hundreds of atom bombs and a hundred holocausts. This is THEIR brand of hateful Christianity, in perspective.

  • riz

    you're welcome, born againer

    I have to go to the memorial in order to keep peace in the family. I'm definitely not looking forward to it. My family knows I'm an athiest, too. The thought of being a memorial statistic for the JoHos makes my skin crawl, but having my family shun me would be worse so I'll just drink a bunch of tequila beforehand to numb the agony

  • born againer
    born againer

    Riz, thats rough! The person who always asks me is an ex of mine. We went out for 2 years, and he split up with me because my family are Christians, and I wouldn't cut myself off from them. I think he was convinced that I would eventually give it all for him, he even wanted to marry me eventually. He still tries to get me to go to things, and I am staying his friend because I care about him loads and I want him to always have a supportive non-witness friend. I hope that it goes ok for you - let me know how you got on, and I'll let you know how I got on!

  • born againer
    born againer

    I never thought about it like that before, Gopher. Thanks!

  • rocketman

    Their statements about "Christian" countries being guilty of "horrors" is simplistic to say the least. And by the way, it was the response of "Christian" countries to Hitler that freed jws from the concentration camps.

  • born againer
    born againer

    Exactly! Plus the fac that Hitler hated all organised religion, because it took people away from his authority. But then they argue about the validity of war...

  • riz

    thanks born againer! i'll keep you posted

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