I didn't get the job.

by Sadie5 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sadie5

    I'm trying not to feel down. I didn't even get called for an interview. A friend called and told me there was a new girl working at the job I applied for.

    Tried not to get my hopes up too high, but I do feel a bit down. Lately the kids have started most sentences with "if you get that job", so there's been a lot of planning if I had gotten it.

    Trying to be positive. We are doing better at our business here at home. We haven't had to use credit cards to pay for utilities or other needed things since we brought our business home.

    I read the classified and there just isn't a lot of jobs available right now. Will see what next week brings.

    Thanks for listening.


  • Gopher

    Sorry to hear you've run into a tough job market. All I can say is don't give up, keep us posted if you wish to have our enduring (and caring, jeez I'm sounding mushy here) support.

    Good that you have taken the initiative to have a home business. Is it interesting or profitable enough to make THAT your full time work? If not, at least it's helping keep you from "going under".

    Best wishes.

  • bikerchic


    I know how you feel hun........I've been going through the same thing here. I try not to take it personally but when you go for group interviews and you are the oldest one there makes me wonder. I'm trying to get the courage to make another onslaught of getting and turning in job aps, ugh!

    Hang in there and I will too. I keep thinking the right job is out there and we will find each other, it's there for you too........PMA (positive mental attitude)


  • blondie

    Sorry, Sadie5. I know the feeling. I interviewed for 15 jobs before I got the one I have now. It took a year. I would like to say it was because I was the best person. It just happened to be timing. I was the best person at that particular time. Keep trying and continue on with the other more important things, loving your family and being loved in return. With some many companies downsizing, everyone is more at risk.

    Blondie (hugs)

  • Sadie5

    Thanks for the encouragement.

    Gopher: Our home based business used to be our sale/service business with a store front location for 10 years. In January of this year we moved out of the storefront, lost our business phone# and moved everything home. Hubby was able to close in our patio and move everything there. He does mostly service calls now for schools and businesses, schools are broke right now, so it is mostly businesses. I've been handing out business cards with our new address and phone number, and sending out post cards too. And some of our clients have searched until they found us. So we just keep hanging in there. It would be great if the economy improved to the point where we could rely on just our business to support us.

    Katie: I know what you mean, when I put down information and dates, I know some of the people I'm dealing with were in diapers or weren't even born yet. It just seems like yesterday to me.

    Blondie: Thanks for the encouragement. A year of looking for a job, that takes determination. Everyday in the news there is always some company closing, or laying off, which means there are move people showing up for the few jobs offered. Hopefully things will change soon.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I'm so sorry Sadie. I think it's perfectly natural for you to feel let down. I know how much you were looking forward to that job. Just hang in there. It's hard right now, but you'll get where you need to.

    Take care,


  • Sadie5

    Thanks Chris

  • myself

    Sadie, I was really hoping you were going to get the job, I feel disappointed for you. Have you put an application on line? I did that. I was in a job that I knew was going to fold so I used the newspaper and the internet. I received a call from a company that we were a distributor for and they offered me a job. After I accepted my new job (they accepted my terms) I received a couple of offers locally that weren't even listed in the newspaper. Keep trying.

  • berylblue


    I'm so sorry. I do know how this feels. Where do you live? Can you use CareerBuilder? That's how I got my last job. It doesn't pay much, but it's a great company with lots of room for promotion.

    Being sick for so long , I'm so grateful for my job. I know you will find one too. If you need any support, please email me.



  • Francois

    I'm sorry you didn't get the nod. Attempting to get a job right now in virtually any line of work is almost guaranteed to let you down. Some of the people who were on my staff at Hitachi are driving taxis, stocking shelves at Kroger, etc. I don't know when things will get better, but they certainly look like kaka right now.

    Remember when Geenspan and Clinton, 18 months before the end of Clinton's last term, were talking about bringing the economy in for a "soft landing"? I never knew what they were talking about, but they apparently did. I wonder what it was?



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