All C. O. D.O Who Became Governing Body Members Hands Are Dirty In Many Child Molestation Cases Cover Up Lawsuits
by Brokeback Watchtower 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Brokeback Watchtower
What say you and I bet when records get subpoenaed many get grilled in court. -
Just like the pope that resigned, he was involved in clergy on kids stuff too. Just because you are seven would not make it safer.
errare humanum est.
I wonder if this thing has really hit its stride by now, and at this point will become virtually self-propelling... -
It's starting to filter down to the R&F. I spoke with a fully in friend recently who has some Bethel contacts. He said he was told that they are facing lawsuits and that Bethel is going through a tough period. Of course, the bethelite and my friend said that these were "attacks from Satan's world". At least the word is spreading. Maybe some will hear and wake up. -
It annoys me when I hear that this is tough on Bethel. What's so tough about it? It should be a time when they can shine with humility, compassion and reflection on getting things right. It is nothing compared to the pain and suffering experienced by the victims. -
I've always thought that the reason the watchtower corporation has instituted rules that protect paedophiles is because the governing body or their puppet masters are protecting one or more in their number.
Was Jaracz a paedo? I don't know but there have been the smoke without fire. As for Ewart Chitty and Leo Greenleas......well.....wasn't one of them a paedo?
I don't think the protection of paedophiles is just about money from lawsuits. Just saying. I agree it's my opinion or suspicion only..........and really....I'd hate it to be true.
Ratzinger (aka Pope Benedict) was one of the worst. He was the "buck stops here" person in charge of ALL Catholic church pedo cases prior to "ascending" to pope-hood. All cases.
""His record is terrible. Before he became pope, his predecessor put him in charge of the abuse crisis.
"He has read thousands of pages of reports of the abuse cases from across the world. He knows more about clergy sex crimes and cover-ups than anyone else in the church yet he has done precious little to protect children.""
Before becoming pope, there were also major scandals in the US and Ireland at a time when Pope John Paul II had put the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in charge of dealing with them.
The rank and file in any given religion would have to actually matter in order to qualify for concern. JWs are a captive religion. Once inside (baptized), there is no legitimate means of escape. Add to that: mandatory reporting of any so-called wrong doing. And because there is an invisible (to the rank and file) 2 witness rule in place, the victims will almost always be on the losing end of the deal, even before the "confession" is heard from the molestation victim and his/her family. The elders and C.O.s can do f_ck-all (according to their own rules), and will tell the victim to leave it in Jehovah/Santa Claus/Tooth Fairy's hands.
In fact, the rule set is utterly stacked against the victims, even before the molestation/rape happens. And I'd bet the JWleadership are well aware (and smug, too) about this fact.
tim310rd - " Of course, the bethelite and my friend said that these were 'attacks from Satan's world'."
I'm sure the citizens of Jerusalem felt that way too, when the Babylonians were sacking the city.
I'd have had a little bit of fun with him and said; "wait... isn't 'False Religion' supposed to be attacked first?", or "wait... when did they cry 'Peace and Security'?"...
It is propaganda to even label the things that are happening as "attacks".
They are not.
What is happening stems from Society expecting Institutions to take responsibility for their woeful past record, and to improve things for the future, and from victims wanting the same thing.
They will soon be claiming Satan pushed that crane over on their construction site.
@ punkofnice...
More and more of us are suspecting that; it's the simplest explanation that fits the facts.
Historically, whenever leaders have endorsed and/or crafted legislation that seems oddly lenient towards certain offenses, they themselves have almost always been exposed as guilty of said offenses. Even if they don't consciously expect to get caught, they can't seem to help it.
This reminds me of an anecdote that was posted here a while back... poster had reported that a loyalist relative(?) had said in heated moment, "even if the Governing Body all turned out to be pedophiles, I'd still follow them!" (paraphrasing, but that's the gist).
Couldn't help but wonder if the outburst wasn't some deeply stifled fear manifesting itself.