Look, now before I speak, I want to say that it is very okay for someone to not believe. Are they hurting anyone? No. Killing anyone? No. But there is a problem when you continually hate on someone for what they believe when what you believe is just as foolish as what you say their belief is. Do you really think continuing saying God isn't real, and you're dumb if you believe that is going to make me change my mind about God? Please. I'm sorry that you all like to attack others beliefs because they don't fit your own.
Why disbelieving in God is foolish
by HopeEverLasting 14 Replies latest jw friends
I asked you an honest question on your other thread, so I could honestly discuss belief. Yet you decide to start a new thread with a topic header which isn't addressed at all in your post. I can only assume you're trolling at this point...
One can believe but when one either waste their life away in this belief or people are hurt and harmed because of this believe then we have a problem. Jws kill themselves because of teachings related to thier belief in God and countless people have died fighting over who's God was better.
there is a problem when you continually hate on someone for what they believe
Nobody hates you for being superstitious. Stop being so paranoid.
"Look, now before I speak, I want to say.........."
Look...... before I answer I want to say............that opening leads me to believe English is not your first language.
The hostility you experienced is the hostility you brought with you.
Many people on this forum believe in a god and his son. Many hope there is something after we pass on.
Faith...... is a big element in belief. If you want to join the creation scientists then at least have the courtesy of sharing whatever facts they have come up with.
On the other hand Rational Ignorance is often the way a person deflects those inconvenient truths that keep popping up. Meaning they are unwilling learn about something that may complicate their version of what they actually believe.
If you simply listed your beliefs I think you would find support from others on this forum.
But if your going to assert things with no evidence and then be hostile about the response you will not be taken seriously.
Atheist criticizes religion " they are so mean and hateful"
Religions practice every vile thing against humans, beheadings, shunning, discrimination mutilation, and on and on. "Buy don't call us hateful"
@freemindfade is right with his point. To deny it is would be terribly naive.
Nobody hates you for being superstitious. Stop being so paranoid.
@cofty always gotta get a shot in..."being superstitious" Simply saying "nobody hates you" would suffice.
Also, no one hates you for not knowing what you're talking about. -
@cofty always gotta get a shot in..."being superstitious" Simply saying "nobody hates you" would suffice. - Hadriel
Theism is indistinguishable from other superstitions.
1 - If you walk under a ladder/see a black cat/break a mirror/spill salt etc. bad things will happen to you.
2 - If you don't assent to certain irrational propositions about a dead Jewish carpenter bad things will happen to you.
What is the difference?
Your attitude brings dishonor to the God you claim to represent. People like you are why most members of this forum no longer believe in God. As I said, I still believe, but people like you are why I quit going to church.