Come on...Adam stopped naming anything one Eve appeared...pretty sure that is where the JW rule on oral sex comes from...
Adam and the Dinosaurs
by The Real Edward Gentry 48 Replies latest jw friends
There are 8 million species known today. Let’s make it easy and use that number, ignoring extinct animals.
If he never slept, ate, rested etc and dedicated every second to naming just the animal species alive today, he’d have to name 20 animals every hour for 50 years.
Ludicrous for an adult to even imagine any substance to such a fairytale.
Aaron James Eldridge
I used to imagine pre-fall animals with different teeth
I estimate as a perfect man this may have taken fifty years.
Are you attempting to measure the time between Adam's creation and Eve's creation, to determine the end of the 6000 years? Are you saying that the Great Tribulation begins in 2025?
Naming the animals would have been the easy part, sending out the updated list as the human population grew would have been a nighmare lol.
stan livedeath
i know adam was a white guy--but did he speak english ?
no, English came from old French and German, originated in the confused Babel babblling. blabbering, the snake, Eve, and Adam must have spoken the earlier pure language, coming again in the new system.
ttdtt: TROLL