New funny WT covers # 2
by greven 27 Replies latest jw friends
OMG, I am going to pass out ,,,,,,,,,,,,lack of oxygen,,,,,,,,,, laughin' too hard.........omg,,,,,,,this is great............... I give you the Oscar ...... I swear this is the most I have laughed all year........
Ed,,,,,,,,,,,,yours are great too,,,,,,,,,,,,,,omg the signs in the crop.......... lol...........
Ya'll need to quit,,,,,,,,,,,no , no , no ,no don't this is too good,,,,,,,,,LMAO,,,,,,,,,No , ROTFLMAO,,,,,,,,,,,omg more more more.........
Very much appreciated, and forever your dedicated fan................Dede,,,,,
Just for lyineyes
hey wow i became a senior member tonight. I think i'll shave tomorrow
OMG , Git,,,,,,,,I can't take anymore,,,,,,,,,,,,oh yeah I can......LMAO,,,,,,,,,
Seriously, I say that as I am still laughing my ass off,,,,,,,,,, the way that is worded , cracks me up, and yet we eagerly await this bullshit,,,,,,month after month........fill in the blank_______________ Is this for Christains...........( In other words , hell no it is not for you JW's , don't even think about it, dont do it or you will die in Armeggedon and have 15 birds eat out your eyeballs, as your naked corpse is exposed to all of the faithful JW's who did not need to wonder if ( fill in the blank)____________________ was for Christains !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's one I made up and originally posted "elsewhere"
Thanks so much. Love them all! Rosemarie -
LOL @ "Are you addicted to the wireless telegraph?" etc. ! Very good.
matty I really like your "Consolation"
greven, et al...y'all are just too much. My attorney will be contacting you, demanding compensation for my ruptured hernia.
roflmrho (rolling on floor laughing my ruptured hernia out)