Dearest JH... may you have peace... and may I respond? Thank you!
First, please know that man, in general, is NOT made in God's "image". Only TWO were made in that image: Adam... and Christ. Man, in general, was made just as Eve... from ADAM. And since man, in general, came into existence AFTER Adam's sin, it is THAT "image" which we bear. Adam was made in God's image, so when it says "Let us make man in our image," it was speaking of ONE man. For only ONE man... was made. It was by means of THAT man... and the woman taken from HIM... that all other men... came to be.
Thus, although we NOW bear the image of the one of flesh... Adam... we CAN bear the image of the one of SPIRIT... Christ... and by means of that One, God.
Second, we are not animals: we are "ad-ham"... or "earthling" man... versus "heavenly" or spirit man. The reason we so resemble apes in our chemistry is that there is only a limited number of DNA from which ALL life was derived... and ALL life goes back to that one Source... God.
Does that mean that because we share a 98% DNA similarity with chimps that we are just a notch shy of being apes? No. No more than cats are shy of being dogs. For although dogs and cats are farther apart in the gene pool... they, too, can be traced back to shared DNA at some point.
We, however, are a different GENUS from apes, which genus (apes) has several SPECIES. Of OUR "genus", however, that of "man"... (which we have inaccurately named "homo sapiens" - homo, meaning "genus"... and sapiens meaning "modern" man... vs. primeval)... there are only two (2) SPECIES:
physical... or "terrestrial"... and spiritual... or "celestial".
Do the scientists know this? Not with faith such that they can explain it. So... egotists that they are... they prefer to act as if this is not the case. For "science" says that everything has an explanation (which, in truth, it does), and for them, that which cannot BE explained (by them), must not be.
But, perhaps, they will one day see what they cannot see... and hear what they cannot hear... and thus know... what... and WHOM... they do NOT know. May JAH, through Christ, let it be.
Again, I bid you peace.
A slave of Christ,