Hello Y.BadConscience,
thanks for the excellent news. I'm sure that very soon
the story will be related in many other languages too.
So Sweden is another one ...to expose the mighty WTBS Inc.!!!
Thanks for the link.
Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp
by YourBadConscience 11 Replies latest jw friends
Hello Y.BadConscience,
thanks for the excellent news. I'm sure that very soon
the story will be related in many other languages too.
So Sweden is another one ...to expose the mighty WTBS Inc.!!!
Thanks for the link.
Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp
I found this translator http://www.tranexp.com:2000/InterTran#neurotrananchor Eh, maybe we can get one of our Sweedish conterparts to fine tune this translation..It reads like a haiku on LSD or something...*LOL
IN Missions review tell for first gangway ever members in Jehovas Witness if how organisation protects suspect pedofiler. Reportrarna Janne Josefsson and Lars- Was making Swede had meet rankings predecessor , victim and gärningsmän within Jehovas Witness in Sweden and America . Andes is member in Jehovas Witness sedan childhood and he tell in coverage if how he in tens års term constrained to rally with a senior member in its assembly .
- It has affected me almighty very tips underline to today . He each grand and stout , self had respect for him and he was threatening that kill me if self was retelling for any .
Andes turned themselves to they managing in its assembly , they so call äldrebröderna, for that get support . They gave Andes several equipment that read and ansåg that problem should decompose per that gärningsman and victim reconcile . Andes minns distinctly when he on a parkeringsplats ”försonades” with men as rape him .
- He concluded that me and said : ”Tack for that yous speak with äldrebröderna. I will apologise for the self effected to Late speak wes never again if the .
Scripts he was getting dealt if that reliance Jehova, that forget , forgive and left everything behind themselves . Any other support did not get Andes . Äldrebröderna polisanmälde nots event and perpetrator was going free . He is than today a very active and aloud appreciate församlingsmedlem, as industrious declare Jehovas empire per that knock door .
And same husband as availed Andes had moreover förgripit themselves on multi baby in assembly , däribland Andes egen sister Johanna.
- First gangway must had wherein when I was about 4 year . Self should sleep over in families and seat in his beds , tell Johanna.
Johanna was retelling if assault for sina orphan as was going to assembly äldstebröder. They report never to second authorities and the was accepting orphan . Johanna was getting in interrogate with three äldrebröder in detail tell whatever bring in .
- The knew almighty embarrassing that chat if one such sensitive substance with three män. The conclude they said to me each that self should read Bible .
Roger Carlsson had left Jehovas Witness behind that had wherein member in 35 year .
Missions review bath him , with help of sina contacting within and out emotion , overhaul how sexual assault manipulate within församlingarna.
- On any weekly was getting self on various manner attention if 40 baby as become utilize sexual in Jehovas Witness and least tens pedofiler. Nots somewhat conclude case had polisanmälts. The is almighty violating that become utilize sexual but the main the violation is when assembly am laying temptation on and protects gärningsmannen. Våldtäktsmannen preserve and the victim hang on out , says Roger Carlsson.
Roger Carlsson had was reading all what witness magazines Vakttornet and Wake clerical error if sexual assault they latest tens scar . Under him am standing the spaltmeter with instruction kring how äldstebröderna should manipulate a such situation , but the am not standing a rank if that go to constable on the beat ors contact social authorities .
- All instruction am going out on that preserve assembly and hold it clean , nots that preserve baby , says he .
Jehovas Witness policy is that rape and assault bark order out closed circuit television devoid that implicate constable on the beat ors socialtjänst. Assembly sanctity ska shield and the victim bark address they managing in assembly . For that they ska vidta åtgärder asserted that gärningsmannen either acknowledges crime ors the find least two witness to event . Peace Karlsson, a ahead this äldstebroder tell :
- The is sensitive this with that condemn . Jehovas Witness deem that they actually has it supreme condemn power , oavsett on which place they be located themselves . The is only because that the current världsordningen find as Almighty am admitting usual bench , but Jehovas Witness am obeying wonder ”den smordes lag” and the am standing over all .
In an other assembly was exposing four girl of same husband , a senior exalted församlingsmedlem. Mary each 13 year when he branding themselves hers . She tell that he anti äldrebröderna later was defending themselves with that she was one baby , and that husband ju vet how often baby överdriver.Till Missions review acknowledges men assault , but fancy nots that the find any reason that implicate police .
- We have tagit up the and I have proven this . I have bett if apology , says hani coverage .
In an other town dömdes for any year sedan a member in Jehovas Witness of Tingsrätten for sexual exploitation of two 13- peppery boys . Assembly eldest was getting know whatever bring in , but chose that hush up event . Behind any year have the strength to the ene of boys nots inferior hold silent . He was retelling for its mamma Ginger Accommodation , as nots is member in Jehovas Witness , and she anmälde assault to police .
Men dömdes but did not get jail as tingsrätten taken regard to that men exclude from assembly . After some time was he yet busy again , istället exclude his wife .
- His wife would distinguish themselves after that as bring in , but the am going assembly only into the bargain wide infidelity . This was counting nots as infidelity . She exclude therefore and compel transfer from places , tell Ginger Accommodation
Lars Nilsson, a of they äldstebröder as each investigate event tell for Missions review how he land in samvetsnöd when wardrobe should be wanting .
- If self ska product honest had self velat poll solid him . But self bent me for majority . You are getting hot call me for cowardly ors what you will but so is that all , says he to Janne Josefsson.
Missions review am seeking wide several cases Bengal His organisation superintendent in Sweden , for that poll answer on how Jehovas Witness am seeing on they inmates brottutredningar församlingarna others carried out and whys församlingarna protects am committing . He won't draw up on a interview , but send a colleague with writing answer .
There am confirming Bengal His that Jehovas Witness carried out egna clearing up and that suspect pedofiler polisanmäls if the deem necessarily . If the sketch sometime success yet nots of his answer .
Jehovas Witness huge head surgery am laying in Brooklyn in New York . Därifrån govern 10 män organisation circa 6 millions members the world over and därifrån am arriving all organisation scripts . But that poll a interview with any of controllers am exposing themselves product badly . A presstalesman am grabbing anti Missions review reporter and am declaring that husband deed am addressing up on interview , but that they'll had frågorna writing beforehand . Any days later send they four förinspelade interviews in reply . Any interview am becoming the nots .
- Everything administer from Brooklyn. So what as happens in exempelvisFrankrike ors Sweden is wholly dependents of whatever happens in Brooklyn, says Cars Bowen, ahead this äldstebroder but numeric Jehovas Witness foes size one in America .
Cars Bowen was delivering organisation for two year sedan, behind that he become ombedd that hold silent if assault in his egen assembly . Istället launch he organisation Silent Lambs as am helping sexual utilize baby and youth from Jehovas Witness . And on only two year has he committee in consort with over 6000 suspect case .
- One baby as exposed for assault initiates maybe appear different , am exposing anger ors browser themselves badly . What do assembly then ? They says that the is baby as is problem . And deny husband that hold silent if assault punish husband per exclusion . So do husband for that poll second members that also product silence .
Under several äldstemän as am attending in coverage is the be up to the victim if husband shall report crime to constable on the beat ors socialtjänst. They am laying themselves nots in the , as the nots is their role , says they . But second able attests that the is severely banned that address second authorities .
Johans wife was exposing in childhood for sexual assault of its father . Assembly knew to the but did nothing . Same husband branding themselves also later on one other baby , a young förståndshandikappad girl . This anmäldes to police of girl school and men was acknowledging . IN samband with divorce would Johan prohibit that his baby was delivering solitary with its father-in-law and anmälde affairs to socialtjänsten.
- Self did notification the 7 November . The 10 November was I exclude as the is absolute prohibition that address authorities , tell Johan.
Jehovas Witness had one welfare harness system of denunciation . All offence as am discovering report to head surgery . Under Cars Bowen had organisation name on over 23 000 pedofiler in sits eget dataregister, name as report of församlingarna.
- The duties have I gotten from three independence source , from committee with insyn in organisation . The ultimate as said the was labeling even a so precise figure as 23 720 committee , says Cars Bowen.
He fancy nots that husband obsessive if husband says that Jehovas Witness protects pedofiler, devoid he will go far still inferior in its criticism .
- If self vore pedofil should self go along with in Jehovas Witness . The is pedofilernas paradise ! You tin utilize baby behind baby and sedan only say that yous nots done somewhat . Istället is the childrens as call lying .
Entrance programme beam had predecessor for Jehovas Witness called up Andes and bett him that nots participate in coverage . That manifest disloyalty is one värre crime than that commit one crime and believable is that he will exclude behind that had scold underline . His sister Johanna as exposed for same husband says :
- He is out and knock door . The should product abrupt . The should product self as is out and knock door and he as am sitting housewife and mår badly .
coverage Janne Josefsson, Lars- Was making Swede
photo Rune Peak , Magnum Thing
edit Am drying Wennman
District Overbeer