Salute the flag

by manon 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • manon

    During my childhood growing up jw while in grammar school saluting the flag or reciting the pledge of allegiance was practice every morning in our classrooms.

    Before the begining of every school year my mother would have a talk with my new teachers about our religious beliefs and practices.

    I detested this I wanted to recite the pledge just like my classmates and sing The Star Spangled Banner outloud.

    I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god with liberty and justice for all...............

  • berylblue

    Actually, many years before I'd even heard of a JW, I stopped saluting the flag. I could not, in good conscience, make such a pledge. And that has not changed.


  • freedom96

    I enjoy being patriotic now. I can salute the flag, sing the national anthem, etc. Still feels a bit weird, but that will go away.

  • manon

    Thank you Beryl & Freedom for sharing your views and feedback. I find your insight seemingly interesting.

    When I started this thread I wanted to convey ideas about how the churches teaching impact the lives of children on a day to day basis.

    The responsibilities placed on children to act accordingly, conscientiously. The weight and burden that accompanies these.

    The not meshing with peers because of said choices. That's kinda what I had in mind and wanted to say.

  • SpunkyChick

    I relate mom did the same thing....brought the blue brochure, What JW's Believe and talked to my teachers. I felt like such a FrEaK my entire life not saluting the flag. It was the worst in 4th grade when my teacher, Mrs. DiBona asked me get in front of the class the first day and explain my religion. Oy vay. That was so embarrassing.

    I love being patriotic today and I can't wait to vote for the first time in my life in the next election!!!!!

  • DanTheMan

    When I left JW's I went church-shopping a bit. I walked into a Methodist Church on a Sunday last July, I don't know if it was the 4th but the service was a big patriotic thing, with the congregation reciting the pledge and singing God Bless America and other such songs. You can imagine my discomfort. I didn't go back.

    I am still very uncomfortable with the idea of saluting a flag or singing the national anthem. One of the main things that attracted me to JWism was the political neutrality (it took a while for me to realize that the WT was itself a totalitarian government that was NOT led by God).

    I think that it is wrong for public schools to infect kids with the nationalism disease by making them recite the pledge.

  • Mystery

    I went to a Support Our Troops Rally a couple of weeks ago.

    I stood, recited, sang and waved my flag. It felt good.

  • Realist


    don't you find it a little troublesome to replace religion with something at least equally evil....namely nationalism or blind patriotism?


    good post!

  • manon

    Thank you Spunky Chick,

    My kindred spirit. I was begining to think I was the only weirdo on the planet who ever experienced this as a child. Not only was the pledge recited every morning but during the middle of the week we would have assemby with flag waving and the whole shebang!!!! It was pure torment. I remember once I was voted in to march and carry the flag, forget it, I got so sick I had to spend the rest of the day in the infirmary. It was hell on earth.

    Thank you DTM,

    For sharing your experiences. It truly isn't uncommon for churches and schools to still carry on with these customs. Yes you said it eloquently this infectious nationalism is geared to be taught and ingrained in the psyche of our youth. As you can see I wasn't supposed to recite the pledge but It didn't stop me from memorizing it word for word. It did what it was supposed to do. What ever happened to the seperation of church and state??


    Thank you for your contribution and feedback.


    The message I was trying to convey is that the jw religion didn't allow or accept these particular notions but it didn't prevent children from learning them. And the desire to want to recite and sing came from the longing to assimilate with my peers. Children want to do these things. As an adult I don't care to assimilate because I prize my individuality. I am wide awake.

  • Aztec

    As usual, I have to agree with Realist. I find nationalism to be as vitriolic as religious fervor. Things like patriotism only serve as divisive tools that attempt to make us feel superior. I also agree with Dan, I wouldn't want to go to a church that had all kinds of patriotic nonsense involved. Not that I see myself ever going to a church..LOL! Being raised a witness had one good impact on my personality. I have no problem taking an unpopular stance and being alone in doing so. I feel for you manon, I went through that as a child too. I think it made me a better person today though. :)~Aztec

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