This week's study article again lauds the great power and strength of the Devil. (WT March 1, 2003, study for April 13, 'Be Courageous and Strong', para 3-4. You know, roaring lion, bla, bla, struggling Christians, bla bla. This got me to thinking. Since Jesus' victorious resurrection, has the Devil been on the offensive or defensive?
And I say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock will my church be based, and the doors of hell will not overcome it. Matthew 6:18 (BBE)
A memorable sermon (from Christendom's churches) I remember it pointed out that doors are defensive, not offensive structures. Doors can't stalk us like roaring lions, can they? Doors sit still. The doors described above are being pounded on, intruded upon, and failing. Failing in the face of what offensive? Often Christians expect persection on every turn, blaming everything from burst bic pens to traffic tickets on the works of the devil. What do we have to fear from doors? Let's save the persection complex for the serious stuff.
So I am polling you, dear readers, for your opinions. Since Jesus' victorious resurrection, has the Devil been on the offensive or defensive?