We all know of the tactic employed by the society to flood the Russian govt with the mass letter writing campaign. No doubt, one of their aims was to send a clear message of the Governing Body's views to the Russian authorities.
What can't we all do the same TO the Governing Body?
With the advent of ever tightening data privacy laws occurring in many countries around the world, we now have a valid and legitimate reason to write the Society! Please check with your local data privacy laws, and find out how your country is responding (such as the new European laws recently enacted)
We have the legal right to request any and all personal data held by the congregations, branch offices, and departments of the organisation.
If every ex witness wrote and requested this, it would send a clear message to the GB that they need to respect personal boundaries, and that they do not have the right to withhold our data, or use it in a way that besmirches our name or character.
We could request the publisher cards held on us, any correspondence about us, any medical forms kept on file about us etc....
Feel free to share this idea far and wide. Perhaps on other forums such as reddit etc...