Are apostate senses anything like Spidey Senses?
Did You Ever Believe This?
by RAYZORBLADE 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Does anyone remember the tales about the female pioneer/publisher at the door who was spared assault due to the two angels flanking her while she witnessed? I remember buying that one back in the day.
:Does anyone remember the tales about the female pioneer/publisher at the door who was spared assault due to the two angels flanking her while she witnessed?
OH YEAH, tales like that were not uncommon among the Witnesses.
Every religion has to have its fables or myths to keep the believers "hanging on". This urban legend is a prime example.
And remember too how we were taught that the angels accompanied us in the field ministry? I wonder if they were there during "telephone witnessing" too. Where did the angels go when the service group stopped for their immeasurably long coffee/lunch breaks? Inquiring minds need to know.
Just a quick question from a (usual) lurker. Is there some kind of "list" they put you on as a sort of "do not call" basis?
Yes, if you specifically ask for them not to ever call again at your dorr, they are supposed to notify the Service Overseer (an elder who is in charge of the congregation's witnessing activities) who will make note of the request. A year or two later, an elder is supposed to call back to see if the person still feels that way, and to check if the same people are still living there (because the new people may not mind the JWs calling on them).
leddfoot, How funny. I was just thinking of *exactly* that JW urban legend, of the 2 angels flanking the sister, so she was protected.
The other comment (I think this came from a CO), was if you were speeding in a car, then angel protecting you (why not just say guardian angel), was only going the speed limit, so you've left him behind. I remember my mother, who loves rules/regulations constantly quoting that one. I remember thinking even at that time that was so incredibly stupid. What, all JW's who obey all the traffic laws never get in accidents???
JWs pick and chose their paranormal experiences.
Does anyone remember the tales about the female pioneer/publisher at the door who was spared assault due to the two angels flanking her while she witnessed? I remember buying that one back in the day.
Yes, I heard that one many times. It also gets mentioned quite frequently on this board. When it does, I sometimes make a point of relating that, before I ever met JW's, I studied a while with the Seventh-day Adventists, and heard the same story about one of their missionaries in Africa. Apparently, it's a well-circulated urban legend...
I think that they avoided apostates for this reason: There arn't many of us out there!
Let me explain...When I wasn't a dub, I was visited maybe 3 times in 20 years. I didn't live in some rural, hard to reach area. I have always lived in suburbs of some pretty well populated cities. Dubs work the same areas over and over and over again. Now, if I only had 3 visits in 20 years, thats not a very effective way to talk to everyone. What percentage of the population are Apostates? Well, 6 million out of 6 billion (roughly) is .1 percent (well in the US its 1 million out of 250 million which is .4 percent) Lets say there are 2 times as many ex-dubs than there are dubs (don't think that can be calculated, but what the heck, its a guess). How often are dubs going to run into exdubs who are apostates who have the energy to argue with them?
I think is more a numbers game then a supernatural entity protecting them from words of ridicule. If I was a god protecting my people doing my work, I'd give them energy to walk all day, or supply them with the will to do it w/out stopping for McDonnalds every hour. I'd even guide their step as to not walk into potholes and twist their ankel.Ok, enought talking from me now...