I would like to ask you guys a question,and i would love to hear your opinons,ok,For the past few months,i havent been doing nothing but staying in the house like everysingle day,i cant hang around my"worldy" friends,and my witness friends that i have are always busy,hmm well whenever i call to ask to do sumthing they always have other plans..thats the only people my parents let me hang around,so i have to compromise,cause i need to be around people,i enjoy it.so i was wondering is it my fault i have no one to do stuff with??my brother blames me,he wants me to do stuff with him,but he is 30,i wanna hang around people my own age..well thanks,bye LAURA
My Fault?
by Shytears 6 Replies latest jw friends
Hey Laura, Life is like that. Sometimes we go through periods of not much going on, being lonely and such. Then things change and go the other way. There are cycles in life. Some take just a little while and some take longer. When we are alone it can be a good time to get to know ourselves better. Just sit and watch your thoughts and feelings. See that you are watching them, so they can't be you. So, who are you? Being alone can be enjoyable. I wouldn't blame myself if I were you. Your in a confining situation being at home and the Witness thing and all. Things will change. They always do. Chin up kiddo. JamesT
I enjoy your posts. I wasn't raised Jaydub, I converted to the religion as an adult. I always felt bad for the kids at the KH who were not a part of the "in crowd" of youths in the cong, but at the same time their parents wouldn't let them associate with young ones outside the org. I'm sorry about your situation, I wish I had some good advice to give you. Just know that we're pulling for you! And no it's not your fault that your parents are raising you in such a narrow and restrictive religion.
be wise
Hi, Shytears. I tried to send u a message but having problems with it. I understand where you're coming from. It must be very hard for u. Sometimes I felt as if I was stuck in some kind of mental hole and the fact is, I was. It's not fair that u have to take this sort of pressure, it is definately not your fault. The best thing I ever did was start college. This is where I met new people, although it's taken me a while to adjust, I'm making new friends, people that judge me by who 'I' am. If I was u, I'd think of an interest I like and then try and take it further by some sort of schooling or training.
It is understandable that you want to hang with friends your own age. Hopefully you will be able to work it out. But if your bro who is 30 wants to hang out with you take him up on it. You might find you have a great time and will be creating memories of your relationship that you will look back on later very fondly.
Is your brother a JW?
Shytears -
I just read your post from about 3 weeks ago. I commented on it today, but I don't know if you go back and re-read it.
Email me at [email protected]
I have a son about your age, maybe "talking" to someone closer to your age may help as well. He isn't home much - he plays soccer and works, but maybe you two could talk. I have a toll free line that you can call on - I have a home based business that requires the line, so you can talk without being billed. Please send me an email - i will give it to you.