There is a 2-pages article in the Awake! of 8th May 2003 "Does Christian Unity Require Uniformity?". I don't own a scanner, maybe someone can scan the complete article.
While emphasizing the need of unity in matters of doctrine they state
[quote]Today Christians may make decisions that differ from those of other Christians when it comes to matters of employment, health, recreation, or some other area that involves personal choice. Such variety could disturb some. They might woner if differences in outlook could lead to disputes or divisions in the congregation. However, such an outcome is not inevitable.[/quote]
Well, we all know that the WT even regulates such areas as employment, health, or recreation.
Then they add:
[quote]On the other hand, loyal Christians would not insist on their personal rights to the detriment of the consciences of others or at the expense of congregation unity.[quote]
That means: do what the most extreme JW expect from you.
I think they wanted to make it appear that they endorse unity not uniformity. But we who were in know that JW are indeed the most uniform religion.
g2003 5/8 "Does Christian Unity Require Uniformity?"
by GermanXJW 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks, Matty.
"A degree of lattitude in making personal decisions"
Sure, you can chose between any kind of breakfast cereal to eat, you can chose what kind of bland music to listen to , nowadays you can even chose what colour shirt to wear . But you try and reason out your own viewpoint on anything important - you will soon be up against something "The Society has said on the matter"
But do the dubs want it to be different? Just look at the question from readers published in the WT 1.06.03.
"Is it wrong to take the life of a a very old or sick pet"
I ask you!! cant they think for themselves? What did the expect the Society to say?
[Incidentally they took a whole page to say that it was up to you to decide what to do with sick pussy]
They can say whatever they want in print, and they can talk all the good game they want. Many posters have written about their rule-making and pressure toward conformity in dress, employment, education, and other supposed areas of 'personal decision'.
Also, seems so nice of them to tell their people that they have lattitude in making personal decisions. I guess they need the permission of the WTS to make such decisions.
I like how they insert the "First Century Governing Body" when speaking of Paul. What BS! The whole article is a smoke screen telling the J-duds that they can pick out their own color of necktie. When the issue is do they have to wear a necktie! Maverick
No, Christian Unity does not require uniformity. Jehovah's Witnesses, on the other hand DO require uniformity - not knowing the difference.
Its a nice try to apear "mainstream" and "balanced", but we all know
what happens if a brother doesn't wear a tie or a sister has a short
skirt... -
The whole article is a smoke screen telling the J-duds that they can pick out their own color of necktie. When the issue is do they have to wear a necktie! Maverick
Freedom means not having to wear a tie.
Oh, and I think they have overlooked the point: "Does Christian Unity Require Conformity?" Yeah, I know, they mention it in the second paragraph, but they don't really address it, do they?
Cheers, Ozzie